Booking Marketplace

While investing in an booking marketplace may seem as a lucrative business opportunity we are aware that you may have some doubt of your own before getting started.

To help you overcome this we have designed a complete guide on how you can get started with your own booking marketplace..

How to Increase and Retain Online Traffic on your Marketplace?


How to Increase and Retain Online Traffic on your Marketplace?

Times are tough as lockdowns imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic has slowed down businesses across the globe. In spite of all the chaos, 169,782 new sellers have joined Amazon marketplaces this year.  Why is that? Source Multi Vendor marketplaces have retained their profitability in the eCommerce industry. Moreover, people prefer online shopping over local retail […]

WCMp v3.5: Everything you Need to Run a Successful Multivendor Shop


WCMp v3.5: Everything you Need to Run a Successful Multivendor Shop

A quick global scan will reveal that the top eCommerce companies are multivendor stores. Compared to solo online shops, multivendor websites offer added versatility in terms of, The total number of products Online presence and authority The ease and simplicity of setting up shop on the internet So how do these e-Commerce websites are able […]

Online Marketplace SEO Guide: How You Can Drive Organic Traffic in 2020


Online Marketplace SEO Guide: How You Can Drive Organic Traffic in 2020

Despite search engine optimization having the highest ROI for any eCommerce marketing campaign, most online stores still turn a blind eye to SEO’s ability to drive traffic, generate leads, and make sales. But remember.  SEO is not an  overnight venture.  It requires your genuine efforts and time. But once you rank, your revenue will improve […]

8 really good reasons to choose WordPress to build your marketplace


8 really good reasons to choose WordPress to build your marketplace

WordPress needs no introduction.  35% of the web uses WordPress, from hobby blogs to the biggest news sites online.  BBC America, The New Yorker, Sony, Star Wars, Beyonce, Microsoft News Centre, Bata, Marks and Spencer for Business…  You name the most popular to most used websites, chances are they are built on WordPress. They say, […]

Why Woocommerce is the best eCommerce  platform for startups?


Why Woocommerce is the best eCommerce platform for startups?

The first few years of your multi vendor startup are the most challenging. As an entrepreneur, you must Invest in continuous market research. Innovate disruptive ideas that provide a new approach to your niche. Be determined to pursue your goals. Seek guidance from mentors who are experts in the field. Look for investors who are […]

10 Tips to Grow your E-Commerce Business in 2020


10 Tips to Grow your E-Commerce Business in 2020

E-Commerce has been around for a while and is slowly becoming a key contributor in the world’s economy. Businesses both large and small are popping up across the globe and although they show a lot of promise at the beginning, most of them fail just a  few months down the line. Considering the rising competition, […]

Is WordPress Safe for Your Website?


Is WordPress Safe for Your Website?

Before we address this lingering question, let’s get a clear understanding of what ‘safe’ means. In February 2020, Anonymous created a page for Taiwan by hacking into the United Nations website. The webpage featured the KMT emblem, the Flag of Taiwan along with other landmarks of the country.  Besides the obvious political ‘intent’ of the […]

How Amazon, Airbnb, Etsy, Uber and other successful marketplaces resolved chicken and egg issue?


How Amazon, Airbnb, Etsy, Uber and other successful marketplaces resolved chicken and egg issue?

Most marketplaces struggle with Chicken and Egg problems. Learn how successful companies have resolved it.

How to prepare yourself before launching a marketplace? Part-2


How to prepare yourself before launching a marketplace? Part-2

It’s better to launch an online marketplace than an online store. But how? In our two-series of blogs, we are discussing the art of preparing yourself to launch a successful marketplace. Hope you have read part one, here is the final part.