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Override issue after MultiVendorX migration

Theme and Plugin Support

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    • #186558
      Maxime Mettey


      I was using WCMp on a website, and tried today to update to the last version of MultiVendorX on a local copy of this website.
      Unfortunately, my override files do not seem to work anymore.
      I have two override files :
      – archive_vendor_info.php
      – emails/vendor-order-stats-report.php

      In my custom theme folder, I renamed “dc-product-vendor” folder to “MultiVendorX”.
      After some research on the forum, I also changed every “wcmp” reference to “mvx” (functions, variables…), and changed global variable $WCMp to $MVX.

      Still, my archive_vendor_info.php file is not loaded, and the default template file is used.

      Is there anything I can do to make it work again ?
      I can provide a staging website access if needed.

      Thanks for your help.

    • #186563

      Maxime, you need to Override archive-vendor-info.php template by copying it to yourtheme/MultiVendorX/archive-vendor-info.php

      You can get the new template from here :

      You need to copy this new template first and then add your modifications there.

    • #186565
      Maxime Mettey

      Thanks for your help, in fact the problem was that the file “archive_vendor_info.php” (with underscores) became (“archive-vendor-info.php (with dashes).
      Everything is fine now, thank you !

    • #186572

      Thanks for the update. Please let us know if you need any further help.

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