Turn off Vendor menu links and intro

WCMp Vendor Staff

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    • #124295

      We would like to use this system as a catalog, therefore we would like remove or turn off functions for the Vendors to make it more simple.
      For example we wont use the Stats/Reports, Orders, Payments, Knowledgebase and Tools menus.
      Is there any way to hide them? Please see attached file.
      Also, when a Vendor register, can this person arrive directly to the dashboard without going through Store setup, payments and ready steps window?

    • #124325


      Please add this code in the function.php of the current active theme :

      add_filter('wcmp_vendor_dashboard_nav', 'callback_wcmp_vendor_dashboard_nav', 99);
      function callback_wcmp_vendor_dashboard_nav($vendor_nav){
          unset($vendor_nav['vendor-payments']); // for payments
          unset($vendor_nav['vendor-report']); // for Stats / Reports
          unset($vendor_nav['vendor-tools']); // for tools
          unset($vendor_nav['vendor-orders']); //for order
          unset($vendor_nav['vendor-knowledgebase']); //for order
          return $vendor_nav;
      add_filter( 'wcmp_vendor_dashboard_header_nav', 'filter_wcmp_vendor_dashboard_header_nav', 10, 1 );
      function filter_wcmp_vendor_dashboard_header_nav( $header_nav ) {
          unset($header_nav['orders']); //remove Order
          unset($header_nav['announcement']); //remove Order
          return $header_nav;
      ** disable vendor dashboard widget.
      add_filter( 'wcmp_vendor_store_setup_wizard_enabled' , '__return_false' );


    • #127762

      We haven’t heard back from you for a long time. We hope this issue is fixed.
      If you face any such issues kindly create one new thread.

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