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Enquiry Form Tab and WPML

WCMp Catalog Enquiry


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  • Author
    • #131521
      Luca Tocco

      Hi guys,
      i have a multilingual website. None of the field i’ve added to Enquiry form tab is translated also if i add the correct translation in the WPML String Translation system.
      Did you have a solution for this?

    • #131526

      Hi, thank you for getting in touch with us.
      We have tested the translation on our end, it is working fine. Please make sure you have followed our translation guideline :

      Can you please check and let us know.

    • #131539
      Luca Tocco

      Of course and i know WPML quiet well.
      Everything worked fine for most of your plugin.I’ve translated almost everything

      The missing fields are:

      Content Before Enquiry From
      Content After Enquiry From

      If i translate this in WPML they appear always in italian in both English and Italian pages on the site.

      • #131607

        @Luca Tocco, it will be really helpful if you can share a scrrenshot of the field that you are referring here :
        Content Before Enquiry From
        Content After Enquiry From

    • #131541
      Luca Tocco
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #131550
      Luca Tocco
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #131608
      Luca Tocco

      Hi Moumita, i’ve already sent you the screenshot and the login without password in the private messages. in there you can see wich fields i’m talking about (there’s the code in the WPML screenshot) and in the other two screenshot you can see italian and english version. In the meantime i’ve translated all the other field with no problem. The main problem is that WPML recognize that field and let me translate it, but they not appear on the frontend.
      If you need additional info let me know.
      Hope you can help.

    • #131609
      Luca Tocco
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #131625

      Thanks so much for sharing the screenshot.

      For now our catalog plugin is not compatible with WPML.
      Since these are dynamic form fields, means admin adds texts as per their need, hence thoese strings can’t be supported inside a plugin.
      Therefore, the names/texts given by admin will be displayed at the frontend.

      However we will get in touch with our developer, if it is possible to make it compatible, but we can’t give any ETA at the moment since our team is working on huge modifications.

    • #131639
      Luca Tocco

      Guys, i’m at 96% of my developing and almost everything it’s done right now..and with this problem i need to switch to another plugin if you are not able to fix it.
      The guys at WPML are super collaborative (they already helped me to fix various parts) and they told me to ask you to contact them cause the remaining work it’s really not that much.

      Here the link to contact them and work togheter in fix the compatibility (and be inserted in the list of plugin that work with them).

    • #131686

      Hi Luca, I have send WPML team an email keeping you in the cc.

    • #131692
      Luca Tocco

      BTW, in the meantime i’ve fixed almost everything visible on the frontend (also the field i told you in the previous email). Only the Enquiry form email doesn’t keep the inserted translation.
      There’s some other part need to be fix (For example the redirect links) but for now it’s almost usable (apart from the email template).
      Keep me updated about this, but as you can see it’s not a lot of work to do to be compatible.

    • #131695

      Sure Uca, will keep you posted.

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