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9 businesses that should flourish in 2025
Blogs, Strategy
9 businesses that should flourish in 2025

In today’s rapidly evolving world, the business landscape is in a state of constant flux, driven by technological advancements, shifting consumer preferences, and emerging societal needs. As we look ahead to 2025, it’s clear that certain business sectors are poised to thrive, thanks to their innovative approaches and the way they address current and future […]


“Your brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room” –                                                                    JEFF BEZOS That’s right. As Jeff Bezos points out, branding is incredibly important when you’re trying to take your business to the next level and make a name for yourself. Branding not only helps you create a strong image […]

5 ways to boost Customer Retention Rate
5 ways to boost Customer Retention Rate

During last year’s sale, you gained more customers. And thanks to that, a group of new customers subscribed to your services. It has been your team’s goal to provide the best products since the beginning. And now, after one year at the time of renewal, only a few of those customers have renewed their subscription. […]

10 Best WooCommerce Themes in 2024
10 Best WooCommerce Themes in 2024

WooCommerce has achieved such popularity that you wouldn’t be overstating if you said it is one of the best platforms to create an online marketplace. Besides all the benefits, one of the best aspects of WooCommerce is its vast selection of themes . A user-friendly and attractive theme will give a greater chance of attracting […]

A Complete Guide On How to Start Your Own Amazon, Ebay or Airbnb
A Complete Guide On How to Start Your Own Amazon, Ebay or Airbnb

We have focused like a laser on customer experience, and that really does matter.                                  – Jeff Bezos  Ever wondered how an online bookstore went on to be the largest online marketplace today? You guessed right; we are talking about Amazon, a company that started with $250,000 on 5th July 1994, generated total net sales of […]

The Ultimate Rental Marketplace Guide
The Ultimate Rental Marketplace Guide

Most self-made entrepreneurs start small, but whether or not you choose to grow is a different matter altogether. Even the smallest of ideas can impact the world in unforeseeable ways. For instance, did you know that a $2,000 wedding dress gave birth to Rent the Runway, a famous clothing rental store in New York City? […]

MultiVendorX v3.7: Everything you need to beat the Competition
MultiVendorX v3.7: Everything you need to beat the Competition

“2021 will be a year of transition… society can start to look forward to shaping their future rather than just grinding through the present.”- McKinsey & Company Companies both old and new are adapting to the new world order, embracing changes and striding forward with ambitious ideas. France witnessed 84,000 new business formations in October […]

Ultimate Guide to Building a Subscription Marketplace
Ultimate Guide to Building a Subscription Marketplace

One of the major challenges of starting an online marketplace is setting yourself apart from the rest of the competition. Most sites struggle with inconsistent revenue generation from one-off sales. In some cases it is the lack of marketing, in others, it’s a buggy website. Whatever the reason, such factors discourage sellers from joining your […]

9 Reasons to trust MultiVendorX to kick off and grow your marketplace Part- 2
9 Reasons to trust MultiVendorX to kick off and grow your marketplace Part- 2

Welcome back to the second installment of 9 Reasons to Trust MultiVendorX. and if you haven’t read the first one, we highly recommend you do so here. With that out of the way, let’s dive into the second part. So, what can you expect from Part- II? Well, if the 1st part  taught you to […]

9 reasons to trust MultiVendorX to kick off and grow your online marketplace Part- 1
9 reasons to trust MultiVendorX to kick off and grow your online marketplace Part- 1

Did you know that 36% of online retailers have already adjusted their marketplace strategies because of Covid-19? The pandemic has resulted in the worst recession since World War II, forcing business owners to rethink their sales strategies. How do you plan to reach your potential buyer in a quick and smart way amid the chaos […]

What we learnt from our customers
What we learnt from our customers

Today’s consumers do not buy just products or services-more and more, their purchase decisions revolve around buying into an idea and an experience. – McKinsey. Yes, we are aware of the importance of the entire experience when you engage with us. That’s the reason why we are very particular about our Customer Service and try […]

The Ultimate Black Friday 2020 Guide for the Marketplace Owners
The Ultimate Black Friday 2020 Guide for the Marketplace Owners

The drastic lifestyle change, the upsetting lockdowns, work from home, and so much more… This year sure did leave a hefty toll on all of us. With the falling economy, the business faced huge losses too. We never knew, we were in such huge trouble when we were living our lives with utmost satiety before […]