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Social login on Vendor Registration page

WCMp Core

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    • #132671

      Is it possible to use social login in the vendor registration page?

    • #132675

      Hi, thank you for reaching out to us.

      WCMp uses the same WooCommerce login for vendors too. Hence, you can use any social login plugin for your site.
      Now, as WCMp creates a new registration form. Hence if you want your user to register using the social plugin, in that case, you have to do further custom code and integrate that into our registration form.
      Let us know if you have any further query

    • #132681
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    • #132695
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    • #132734

      Hi Moumita,

      We got in touch with the plugin provider but looks like it’s going too much of coding to change role within a specific page.
      For the time being, we managed to change flow and find a workaround when vendors are registering via Social Login.

      Maybe in the future WCMP should consider integrating Social Login as well? It’s quite a standard nowadays.

      All the best,

    • #132744

      Thank you for your informing us.
      Yes, we do have a plan to add this. However, sharing an ETA will be difficult.

      You can keep track of the git link

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