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Vendor Review Rating Stars

WCMp Core

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    • #133031

      After setup wcmp plugin on my WordPress site, I realized there are two columns of 5 stars in the review section. When I selected 10 stars as the reviewer for the vendor, the result of review is 5 stars which I assumed another 5 stars are duplicated. How I do fix it by removing the extra stars one?

    • #133041

      >Hi, thank you for getting in touch with us.
      In review section of WCMp there is field named “Review Category” and if you add more than one category (see screenshot- ) then only more than one review section will appear in your vendor shop page.
      However if you wish to remove one review field then you’ll have to remove one review category from admin dashboard. But if you are not using addional category to rate the vendors, then the extra review might be coming due to theme conflict. Just to be sure, kindly switch to a default theme and then check again.
      Do keep us posted

    • #133130


      The problem remains the same after I followed your instruction. It seems like the plugin duplicated with another row of star rating on the vendor review. Can you show me the guide in which I can remove that issue by coding the plugin file?

    • #133142

      It seems like there is some plugin/theme conflict. Just to be sure, disable all the plugins except WooCommerce and WCMp and check again.
      If the issue is still there, switch to some default theme such as twenty sixteen and check again.
      If the issue still persists then kindly share your admin,ftp access.

    • #133526


      I realized there’s a plugin called Sw Woocommerce Swatches causing that issue. I will try to contact my WordPress template developer to solve it.

    • #133528


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