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Vendor Edit Simple Product Navigation Tab Selection Issue

WCMp Core

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    • #133532


      When I wanted to select one navigation tab on the simple product type section, it will change the tab panel. However, when I changed to the other navigation tab for the second time, it did not change its panel. For example, according to the attachment image as you can see, when I clicked the shipping nav tab, its tab panel remains under the general nav tab. Can you help me to solve this issue? Thank you.

    • #133537

      Hi, thank you for your query.
      It seems like there is some plugin/theme conflict. Just to be sure, disable all the plugins except WooCommerce and WCMp and check again.
      If the issue is still there, switch to some default theme such as twenty twenty and check again.
      Do keep us posted.

    • #133707


      I realized it is my template problem when I changed to a default theme as I followed your instruction. However, my theme developer told me to ask you to solve this issue because this problem isn’t from their requirement plugins so, I have to ask you for the solution.

    • #133713

      @hanasana955, not an issue.

      Kindly create a staging site and share the admin, FTP access so our team can check this.

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