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Vendor Registration Submission Not Working.

WCMp Core

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    • #133578


      After setting up vendor registration, I cannot register as a vendor with the registration form. When I click the ‘register’ button to submit my form, it will return to the registration form and it did not submit that form. May I know what’s the problem with this? Thank you.

    • #133579
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #133594

      Hi, thank you for your query.
      It seems like there is some plugin/theme conflict. Just to be sure, disable all the plugins except WooCommerce and WCMp and check again.
      If the issue is still there, switch to some default theme such as twenty twenty and check again.

      Also check if you have configured the vendor registration page properly via WCMp>settings> vendor>vendor pages in admin dashboard.

      Do keep us posted.

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