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Wizard and progress bar customization

WCMp Advanced Frontend Manager

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    • #135015

      Hi there,

      We need clear directions on how to customize Wizard and Progress bar.

      Wizard customization.
      We would like to:
      1) Eliminate ‘skip step’;
      2) In the add payment methods (we use Stripe only) we would like to add the ‘connect to stripe’;
      3) Change menus and links in the step 3 (i.e. change ADD PRODUCT with ADD INVENTORY).

      You gave us the following filter
      apply_filters(‘wcmp_vendor_setup_wizard_steps’, $default_steps);
      But it is unclear how to use it.

      Could you share an example on how to use the above filter?

      Progress bar.
      We would like to change the behaviour of the progress bar, i.e. eliminate ‘shipping’.
      Where/how to do it ?


    • #135058

      As per your requirement we don’t have any readymade code.
      You have to understand the coding procedure in our plugin.
      Kindly check the file – (from line no 2497)

      and also check this thread –


      • #135072

        Thanks to your directions I’ve been able to customize most of the wizard.
        I still have one question.

        Given we use only Stripe, how can I add the ‘connect with stripe’ button to the payment page?
        See screenshot below:

    • #135082

      You can add “connect with stripe” button by understanding the coding procedure in our plugin which is already shared with you and mentioned earlier by our team.

    • #135088

      I understand the code, but if you don’t tell where what class is your plugin using to build that button I won’t be able to figure it out.

      Can you please tell me what class you use to build dashboard/vendor-billing/ page? Or what class you call to enable the Connect with Stripe?

    • #135100

      Kindly test this file on your end- for all the flows that you are looking for.

      • #136814

        So I’ve tried to work out a solution but did not manage.
        Can you please assist me ?

        1. I would like to add the button ‘connect with stripe’ inside the Setup Store Wizard.
        2. Vendors don’t need to choose between any other payment gateway as we use Stripe only

        I modified the class-wcmp-vendor-dashboard.php to change the Store Wizard steps.
        In particular, at /*Payment setup steps, I would like to replace the gateway selection (code below)

        <div class=”product-type-container”>
        <label class=”location-prompt” for=”product_type”>
        <?php esc_html_e( ‘Choose Payment Method’, ‘dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor’ ); ?>
        <select id=”vendor_payment_mode” name=”vendor_payment_mode” class=”location-input wc-enhanced-select dropdown”>
        foreach ( $available_gateways as $gateway_id => $gateway ) { ?>
        <option <?php selected( $gateway_id, $vendor_payment_mode ); ?> value=”<?php echo esc_attr( $gateway_id ); ?>”><?php echo esc_html( $gateway ); ?></option>
        <?php }

        With the button ‘connect with stripe’.
        I checked your at line 116 but I’m struggling to integrate it in the Wizard.

        Can you help out ?

    • #136856

      @WLS_FH, it is really difficult for us to check the code and detect the issue.

      Can you please check if there is any specific coding guide you need.

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