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Error Message when vendor request withdrawal

WCMp Advanced Frontend Manager

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    • #136166

      I am testing the Vendor dashboard and it’s saying there’s an error when request withdrawl button is clicked. I made sure withdrawl locking period is below the requested amount and the disbursement threshold period has been completed and this error still persists

    • #136178

      The default flow is such that if admin sets disbursement threshold value as 20$ then vendors will having commission either 20$ or more than 20$ can request for withdrawal.

      Also if the Withdrawal Locking period is 1 day it means the vendor cannot request for withdrawal before 1 day from the day of earning the commission.
      (see screenshot- )

      Now Restrict Order Status from Withdrawal allows admin to restrict their vendor from requesting for commission withdrawal during different status of order. (see screenshot- )

      Kindly check the Payment settings of admin and vendor via admin dashboard>WCMp>Settings>Payments and configure accordingly.
      However if the issue still persists kindly create a staging site and share your admin, ftp access.
      Please note that do not forget to mark the response as private while sharing the access.

    • #136218
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #136230

      Thank you for sharing the access.
      Can we disable plugin and switch the theme to default for testing purpose?

    • #136231

      Share your ftp access too.

    • #136235
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    • #136252

      Can we disable plugin and switch the theme to default for testing purpose?

    • #136256
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    • #136262
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    • #136265
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    • #136270
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    • #136341

      The only thing I can think off is allowing control panel access

    • #136384
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    • #136405
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    • #136420

      so when a vendor request a withdrawal it automatically goes to their paypal? I thought I had to approve it first?
      would I still have that issue if the vendor select direct bank transfer instead as their payout method?

    • #136442

      Hi, our replies are inline :

      so when a vendor requests a withdrawal it automatically goes to their PayPal? I thought I had to approve it first?
      >> If the vendor is using PayPal and ask for a withdrawal, then as per our flow commission would be paid automatically.

      would I still have that issue if the vendor select direct bank transfer instead as their payout method?
      >> For direct bank transfers there is no automatic payout for vendors. This means once they will ask for a withdrawal, you have to pay the vendors manually.

    • #136592

      Hello, I am the developer of Sueanna Toney
      the issues is, When vendor trying to send withdrawal request of their payment the request is not sending and showing an error message.

    • #136604

      Hi, as we can see this vendor is using Bank Transfer: nubiandiamantetoney

      Hence admin manually needs to send the money manually and mark the commission as paid.

      For this vendor leemani2003alt, he/she is using paypal. As per admin’s account, we are getting this error :

      {“name”:”AUTHORIZATION_ERROR”,”message”:”Authorization error occurred.”,”debug_id”:”658bf0104696d”,”information_link”:”https:\/\/\/docs\/api\/payments.payouts-batch\/#errors”,”links”:[]}

      It seems like your account in PayPal is not authorized. Please contact the PayPal team regarding this.

    • #136606

      Hey I never saw anything error like this as you say:
      {“name”:”AUTHORIZATION_ERROR”,”message”:”Authorization error occurred.”,”debug_id”:”658bf0104696d”,”information_link”:”https:\/\/\/docs\/api\/payments.payouts-batch\/#errors”,”links”:[]}

      It seems like your account in PayPal is not authorized. Please contact the PayPal team regarding this.

      this must be your source code problem there was no authorization error from the paypal account.
      And the vendor didn’t use any bank account. This is insane the vendor never put any bank details or choose the bank account options
      Just analyze carefully of your plugin and you will see there error from your plugin source code

    • #136611

      sorry i didn’t explain bank transfer option to my developer who replied above so he was confused we are trying to contact paypal to resolve this issue i will update

    • #136618


    • #137005

      it has not worked but I’m thinking perhaps because i dont have Mass pay option available in my country that it is not enabling me, this issue has baffled even my developer, do you have to have mass pay enabled in Paypal to access this feature. Also …can you do a manual paypal just like with direct transfer so when a vendor request withdrawal with paypal i do it manually and still get the notification email ?

    • #137036

      @Sueanna Toney, we will definitely assit you with setting up your payment.

      But before that, you just need one small piece of information from the PayPal team. As you can see we do provide two Paypal option i.e. PayPal Masspay and PayPal Payout:

      So, please contact the PayPal team regarding your account and ask them which PayPal account type is supported for your account. Once we will have this information, we can assist you accordingly.

    • #137039

      I already contacted them, in my region Paypal Masspay is not allowed

    • #137045

      Since i’m having the error code from Paypal when i try to send payments automatically, i wanted to try a manual paypal payout instead and this thread relates to me and what I want,
      but in your answer you told him to rename the bank transfer option to paypal so he can pay vendors manually using that option, but i want both paypal and direct bank transfer option enabled for manual payment options accessable to vendors

    • #137061

      @Sueanna Toney, in that case, you just have to add another payment mode using custom code.

      We do have a coding guide, please do follow this doc :

    • #137118

      thankyou this helps, so this coding would work for any payment gateway correct?

    • #137128

      As this doesn’t require automatic payment, hence you can use any Payment mode name as per your need.

    • #137159

      but when you choose this manual payment method the vendor isn’t able to see withdrawals in their dashboard or earnings

    • #137178

      @Sueanna Toney, can you please share a temporary admin, ftp access so we can check.
      While sharing the access don’t forget to mark the response as private.

    • #137201
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    • #137202

      So the previous problem I queried about concerning the earnings not seen with maual payment method has been solvedsince I see the stats when i go into stats and reports BUT it isn’t at the forefront i have to tap on stats and reports. Anyway the vendor named Leemani SENT 2 withdrawal requests and i got neither this issue happened right after i added another manual payment

    • #137228
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    • #137234
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    • #137248
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    • #137255

      okay Here I am sending the custom code in screenshot

    • #137259

      I am also sending the code in php file

    • #137260

      Here sending you the code in writing format
      this is custom template


      file location:


      if (!defined(‘ABSPATH’)) {

      class WCMp_Gateway_PayPal_Transfer extends WCMp_Payment_Gateway {

      public $id;
      public $message = array();
      public $gateway_title;
      public $payment_gateway;

      public function __construct() {
      $this->id = ‘direct_paypal’;
      $this->gateway_title = __(‘Paypal transfer’, ‘dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor’);
      $this->payment_gateway = $this->id;
      $this->enabled = get_wcmp_vendor_settings(‘payment_method_direct_paypal’, ‘payment’);

      public function gateway_logo() { global $WCMp; return $WCMp->plugin_url . ‘assets/images/’.$this->id.’.png’; }

      public function process_payment($vendor, $commissions = array(), $transaction_mode = ‘auto’) {
      $this->vendor = $vendor;
      $this->commissions = $commissions;
      $this->currency = get_woocommerce_currency();
      $this->transaction_mode = $transaction_mode;
      if ($this->validate_request()) {
      if ($this->transaction_id) {
      return array(‘message’ => __(‘New transaction has been initiated’, ‘dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor’), ‘type’ => ‘success’, ‘transaction_id’ => $this->transaction_id);
      } else {
      return $this->message;

      public function validate_request() {
      global $WCMp;
      if ($this->enabled != ‘Enable’) {
      $this->message[] = array(‘message’ => __(‘Invalid payment method’, ‘dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor’), ‘type’ => ‘error’);
      return false;
      if ($this->transaction_mode != ‘admin’) {
      /* handel thesold time */
      $threshold_time = isset($WCMp->vendor_caps->payment_cap[‘commission_threshold_time’]) && !empty($WCMp->vendor_caps->payment_cap[‘commission_threshold_time’]) ? $WCMp->vendor_caps->payment_cap[‘commission_threshold_time’] : 0;
      if ($threshold_time > 0) {
      foreach ($this->commissions as $index => $commission) {
      if (intval((date(‘U’) – get_the_date(‘U’, $commission)) / (3600 * 24)) < $threshold_time) {
      /* handel thesold amount */
      $thesold_amount = isset($WCMp->vendor_caps->payment_cap[‘commission_threshold’]) && !empty($WCMp->vendor_caps->payment_cap[‘commission_threshold’]) ? $WCMp->vendor_caps->payment_cap[‘commission_threshold’] : 0;
      if ($this->get_transaction_total() > $thesold_amount) {
      return true;
      } else {
      $this->message[] = array(‘message’ => __(‘Minimum threshold amount for commission withdrawal is ‘ . $thesold_amount, ‘dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor’), ‘type’ => ‘error’);
      return false;
      return parent::validate_request();



    • #137261


      file location:


      if (isset($payment_admin_settings[‘payment_method_direct_bank’]) && $payment_admin_settings[‘payment_method_direct_bank’] = ‘Enable’) {
      $payment_mode[‘direct_bank’] = __(‘Direct Bank’, ‘dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor’);

      /* to show the from enter paypal mail*/

      <div class=”payment-gateway payment-gateway-direct_paypal”>

      <div class=”form-group”>
      <label for=”vendor_bank_name” class=”control-label col-sm-3 col-md-3″><?php _e(‘PayPal Email’, ‘dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor’); ?></label>
      <div class=”col-md-6 col-sm-9″>
      <input class=”form-control” type=”text” id=”vendor_bank_name” name=”vendor_bank_name” class=”user-profile-fields” value=”<?php echo isset($vendor_bank_name[‘value’]) ? $vendor_bank_name[‘value’] : ”; ?>”>


    • #137262


      file location:


      ‘direct_paypal’ => __(‘Direct Paypal Transfer’, ‘dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor’),


    • #137275

      @Sueanna Toney, you have edited the core plugin. Please never edit the core plugin as if you update the plugin, the codes will also be removed.
      Also editing the core plugin can also affect the plugin’s default flow.

      So, kindly reinstall WC Marketplace or update the plugin to the latest version.
      After that add the custom code (that we have shared earlier) to your child’s theme.
      Once these are done, please check the flow again.

      Do keep us posted.

    • #137278

      Okay tell me the hook to put that code in those specific files and places. I already let you know to put the code which files and which places

    • #137279

      Or I have already send you all the code, now please put the code in child theme or any other best way

    • #137283

      @Sueanna Toney, as much as I want to help you out but working on a custom code is quite difficult and currently we don’t have such bandwidth.

      Please do follow our coding guide here :

      If you need any coding guidance, please do let us know.

    • #137296

      You said not to override or putting any code in plugin core file so it would not work after updating or would spoil the plugin work flow. They why did you ask to edit or paste this code to the plugin???

    • #137311

      Hello it already have passed 30 hours but I got no response. Tell me do you suggest to edit or put custom code in core files. As you already told not to do it but in your new attachment there is code which need to put in core file. So tell me what exactly I can do ?

    • #137321

      @Sueanna Toney, sorry for the delayed response as we were closed due to the weekend.

      As you know like any plugin, you need to add any modification to the theme, preferably the child theme.
      If you check the document we shared, we have provided the code snippet and further custom code reference for you. SO you can follow that and add your own coding.

      KIndly check the coding doc properly, this will assist you further with the custom flow.

    • #137335

      The code you sent that is Invalid payment method. That’s no working. There is mistake in the code. Just check that carefully and send again to me

    • #137342

      @Sueanna Toney, it seems like you haven’t added code for the withdrawal part.

      As shared in the doc, you need to follow this :

      Enable withdraw option with new payment method at vendor end,

      First you have to use this hook ‘wcmp_payment_gateways’

      Then you have to create class and also extend that new class with ‘WCMp_Payment_Gateway’
      For reference please check

      And within that new class you have to define process_payment() function and validate_request() function.

      After that you will be able to create a withdrawal request.

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