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Access to another plugin from Advanced Frontend Manager and product types option

WCMp Advanced Frontend Manager

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    • #136985


      We have created a marketplace to sell activities and we use the plugin booking activities ( to create the schedules, and define other features of the activities, etc. This plugin is based on WooCommerce, so each created activity can be linked to a product.

      In order to link both (WC product and the activity), we create a WC product and select the option “Activity”. It is like selecting the options “Virtual” or “Download”.

      The problems we have found with WCMP Advanced Frontend Manager are:

      1. As a vendor, when we create a product, we can see the options “Download” or “Virtual” but we cannot see the option “Activity” if I try to create the product from this frontend Manager. However, if I allow the vendor to access the WP backend and I log in with a user with role vendor and access to the WP backend, I can create products and the “Activity” option is available.

      2. I would like to include the menu item booking activities and the screens to create the booking activities in the WCMP Adv. Front. Manager, or at least include it in the menu and insert as iframe the content of the plugin in your plugin.

      FYI, I can provide you with a temporary link if you need it.

      How could I do both things?

      Thank you very much

    • #136988

      Kindly note that since these are Woocommerce plugins therefore vendors can use the features from backend.
      However in order to make the plugins compatible you have to do custom code on your end.

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