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Changing price of existing members

WCMp Vendor Membership

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  • Author
    • #137901
      Jane Vennersdorf

      Hello we have members which has signed up for recurring fee.

      We want these members to pay less, and at the same time give them a new 2 month trial.
      We have tried where the member cancels subscription so they can buy the product with the new recurring price, but when they try to pay for the product nothing happens and in the console it throws a internal server error

    • #137909

      @Jane, sorry to hear that you have faced this issue. We need to check your debug log.

      Can you please share the temporary admin, FTP access? While sharing the access, don’t forget to mark the response as privvate.

    • #137952
      Jane Vennersdorf

      Hey again,

      I found that if i delete their stripe id through the database they were able to buy another membership, perhaps the cancel subscription function should remove the stripe id from members in the database?

      i want them to also start their trial over so i am also editing the trial pack used through the database, and it seems to be working

    • #137972

      Jane, when the vendor will register under the plan, we connect the vendor with their stripe using the IP

      So if a vendor is already registered under stripe, then their id is saved. Also, a vendor who is already under a plan, can’t start a trial period.

      We can’t remove the ID, because it may happen that the vendor want to restart the same plan.

      A better solution would be, that you will create a new plan and ask the vendor to register under that.

    • #144922

      Hi Jane, we haven’t heard back from you for a while.
      So we presume this issue has been fixed. We are closing this for now.

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