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Import Products Button Not Showing

WCMp Advanced Frontend Manager

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  • Author
    • #138145
      Joshua Green


      Following a recent purchase following the topic shown here:, it states that purchasing Advanced Frontend Manager would allow me to provide a bulk-upload route for vendors on the site.

      Following installation, API licence key and product ID being added and verified, the button has yet to make an appearence.

      What am I missing?

      From what I can see there is no setting that exists to enable / disable it, and the limited information on the guide above would suggest that the button is auto-enabled and should display.

      Any support is welcomed.

    • #138157

      Hi, thanks for getting in touch with us.
      In order to use bulk import & export option for products in vendor end, admin need to enable the option from admin dashboard via WCMp>Settings>Capabilities>Vendor Import Capability & Vendor Export Capability and enable both these option. (see screenshot- )
      Do keep us posted.

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