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How to enable Direct Bank transfer and cheque only for few vendors

WCMp Core

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    • #145672


      How to enable Direct Bank transfer and cheque only for few vendors

    • #145674
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #145687

      Hi, as per our flow when the customer selects Bank transfer, they need to send the money manually to the bank account.

      Now as you want to restrict the bank transfer/cheque option for some vendors? For this, you have to do a custom code. Do you have any developers so we can assist you accordingly?

    • #145689
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #145709
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #149870
      WCMp Admin

      We haven’t heard back from you, so we presume this issue has been fixed.
      So we are closing this one.
      If you need any further help, do open another thread.

    • #189259

      I am not an expert but i just want to say that To enable Direct Bank Transfer and Cheque payment options for only specific vendors in your system, you will need to follow these general steps:

      Create a new vendor payment method: Go to your vendor payment method settings and create a new payment method for Direct Bank Transfer or Cheque, depending on the option you want to enable. Make sure to give this payment method a unique name that distinguishes it from other payment methods.

      Assign the new payment method to the specific vendors: In your vendor settings, locate the vendors you want to enable the Direct Bank Transfer or Cheque payment option for. Edit each vendor and assign the new payment method you just created to them. This will make the new payment option available only to those vendors.

      Disable other payment methods for those vendors: To ensure that only the Direct Bank Transfer or Cheque payment method is available for the specific vendors, you can disable other payment methods for them. You can do this by going to the payment method settings and deselecting the payment methods you don’t want to use for those vendors.

      Test and confirm: After making these changes, test the payment options for the specific vendors to make sure they are working as expected.

      Note: The exact steps to enable Direct Bank Transfer and Cheque payment options for specific vendors may vary depending on the specific accounting or payment system you are using. Please refer to the documentation or support resources provided by your system for detailed instructions.

    • #189267

      Hi, As per our flow when the customer selects Bank transfer, they need to send the money manually to the bank account.
      But to restrict the bank transfer/cheque option for some vendors you will need some custom code.

    • #189698

      I would like to share my opinion may be help you
      Enabling Direct Bank Transfer and Cheque payment methods for specific vendors can be done in several ways depending on the payment gateway and the accounting software being used. Here are some general steps that you can follow:

      Create a new vendor group for the vendors you want to enable Direct Bank Transfer and Cheque payment methods for. This is typically done in the accounting software, and the steps will vary depending on the software being used.

      Assign the vendors you want to include in this group to this new vendor group.

      Navigate to the payment methods settings for your payment gateway or accounting software.

      Locate the Direct Bank Transfer and Cheque payment methods and configure the settings so that they are only available to vendors in the new vendor group that you created.

      The steps above are general guidelines, and the actual steps may vary depending on the specific payment gateway and accounting software being used. It’s important to refer to the documentation and support resources for your specific software to ensure that you are correctly configuring the payment methods.

    • #189707

      @marlynrasavong thanks for helping others with their queries

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