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Omnichannel? Can vendors manage their stock from their own website?


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    • #184593

      I want to use Multivendor but the issue I have is that my 3rd party sellers are already selling on platforms like eBay and Etsy. They will not want another platform if it means it needs to be managed separately. Most of them have either woocommerce or Shopify stores, so is there a app that will let them also list on a MultivendorX website in the same way as their eBay/Etsy apps?

    • #185217

      Hi @waynewes, thanks for getting in touch with us.

      I presume you want to add vendors to your site who are already selling products on another e-commerce site.
      Basically, the transformation is quite simple :
      – Add them as a vendor on your site
      – Then you can use our import option to add products per vendor. For details please check this doc :

      I presume the above flow would assist you with this.

    • #185840

      Hi @moumita thank you for the reply. This would be great at helping to list the products, but ideally I need something that regularly updates, i.e if they sell the last of a product on their own website, then it won’t then still be available on my website. In the same way that you have eBay/Amazon/Etsy apps for woocommerce, as a multivendor platform that allows people to create their own “Amazon” vendors should be able to integrate in the same way.

    • #185932

      @waynewes, yes there are some plugins that sync the inventories between etsy/amazon site.

      But we haven’t tested them with MultiVendorX. So please do test that first, as our plugin is absolutely free to test.

      If this is not compatible with MultiVendorX, then you can do a custom code and add this to your site.

      Do you have any developers so we can assist you accordingly?

    • #192215

      It’s been a while and we have not heard back from you . We presume your query is solved now . So we are closing this thread . If you face issue in future please open a new thread .

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