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Payment Methods


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    • #191996

      can we have a custom payment method entry?
      what is the solution if paypal or stripe not supported for my store?

    • #192005

      @challengegives, Our plugin MultiVendorX by default supports PayPal and Stripe only. Regarding the other Gateway for MultiVendorX, you can pay vendor using this payment gateway by two methods:

      – Manually: Admin needs to pay manually vendor their commission form admin’s paymentaccount.

      – Automatically: You can make the payment Gateway plugin compatible with MultiVendorX by doing custom code, so vendors will be paid automatically. If you need reference of hook/filter, let us know.

    • #192014

      What can someone without PayPal access do ?

      I see stripe terms of service prohibits businesses in the cannabis industry.

    • #192022

      @challengegives, you may use any other payment mode to pay the vendors.
      Do you have any such method in mind?

    • #195529

      Its been a while and we have not heard back from you. We presume your query is solved now. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please open a new thread.

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