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Customization issues

MultivendorX Pro

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    • #195583

      I was trying to customize my market following way:

      1. Merge default “my account” page with MVX Vendor Dashboard. The issues found here was the MVX project structure. So all the elements are located in/templates/vendor-dashboard/ however they are merged together in MultiVendorX/templates/shortcode
      /vendor_dashboard.php and that was quite clear to me. But then in templates/vendor-dashboard/navigation.php I have found nav_items list which comes from nowhere. After 1.5 hours of searching I have found it the function mvx_get_vendor_dashboard_navigation in classes/class-mvx-vendor-hooks.php, hovever it is still not clear to me at what are they pointing. For instance I would like to change the first nav item which is Dashboard which is I assume mvx_get_vendor_dashboard_endpoint_url( ‘dashboard’ ) to some more static content, however I was unable to reach that file.

      In that point I would like to ask whether there is any project documentation available whether not? It was extremely frustrating blindly searching through files and even Github search option wasn’t helpful enough.

      Just for clear explanation – I wanted to merge them because in my marketplace everyone should be a vendor because I am assuming that they could both buy and sell goods.

      2. The issue with registration – I have Approve Vendor turned as Automatically, so Pending Vendor should be transformed to Vendor automatically and indeed it is a case when registration via vendor-registration/ endpoint. But as mentioned in paragraph above, two registration options will be too much and I have put default registration role as Pending Vendor when registration is done via normal/standard WooCommerce way (possibly with some extra addons in the future) and well user can register as Pending Vendor but do not get Vendor automatically neither being redirected to store wizard. So my question is how am I supposed to fix it, so that the normal registration will work the same way as MVX vendor-registration. Should I try to replace whole WooCommerce registration logic with the MVX one, or is there are easier solution for that?

      Thanks in advance for any tips and help.
      Kindly regards,

    • #195592

      Our replies are inline with your queries –
      1. Merge default “my account” page with MVX Vendor Dashboard. The issues found here was the MVX project structure. So all the elements are located in/templates/vendor-dashboard/ however they are merged together in MultiVendorX/templates/shortcode
      /vendor_dashboard.php and that was quite clear to me. But then in templates/vendor-dashboard/navigation.php I have found nav_items list which comes from nowhere. After 1.5 hours of searching I have found it the function mvx_get_vendor_dashboard_navigation in classes/class-mvx-vendor-hooks.php, hovever it is still not clear to me at what are they pointing. For instance I would like to change the first nav item which is Dashboard which is I assume mvx_get_vendor_dashboard_endpoint_url( ‘dashboard’ ) to some more static content, however I was unable to reach that file.
      In that point I would like to ask whether there is any project documentation available whether not? It was extremely frustrating blindly searching through files and even Github search option wasn’t helpful enough.
      Just for clear explanation – I wanted to merge them because in my marketplace everyone should be a vendor because I am assuming that they could both buy and sell goods.
      >> By merging my account page with MVX Dashbaord, can you please let us know exactly what flow are you looking for, so we can assist you with this.
      2. The issue with registration – I have Approve Vendor turned as Automatically, so Pending Vendor should be transformed to Vendor automatically and indeed it is a case when registration via vendor-registration/ endpoint. But as mentioned in paragraph above, two registration options will be too much and I have put default registration role as Pending Vendor when registration is done via normal/standard WooCommerce way (possibly with some extra addons in the future) and well user can register as Pending Vendor but do not get Vendor automatically neither being redirected to store wizard. So my question is how am I supposed to fix it, so that the normal registration will work the same way as MVX vendor-registration. Should I try to replace whole WooCommerce registration logic with the MVX one, or is there are easier solution for that?
      >> As you will be using WooCommerce My Account page as Vendor Registration, hence you can simply remove our registration form.
      But kindly check whether your created Pending Vendor also requires to fill the registration form. In that case let us know the flow, so we can assist you with this.

    • #195608

      1. The flow I am looking for is that all nav items both from $nav_items list and my-account are rendered in my-account page. As an example, here’s snippet from woocommerce/templates/myaccount/dashboard.php

      	/* translators: 1: Orders URL 2: Address URL 3: Account URL. */
      	$dashboard_desc = __( 'From your account dashboard you can view your <a href="%1$s">recent orders</a>, manage your <a href="%2$s">billing address</a>, and <a href="%3$s">edit your password and account details</a>.', 'woocommerce' );
      	if ( wc_shipping_enabled() ) {
      		/* translators: 1: Orders URL 2: Addresses URL 3: Account URL. */
      		$dashboard_desc = __( 'From your account dashboard you can view your <a href="%1$s">recent orders</a>, manage your <a href="%2$s">shipping and billing addresses</a>, and <a href="%3$s">edit your password and account details</a>.', 'woocommerce' );
      		wp_kses( $dashboard_desc, $allowed_html ),
      		esc_url( wc_get_endpoint_url( 'orders' ) ),
      		esc_url( wc_get_endpoint_url( 'edit-address' ) ),
      		esc_url( wc_get_endpoint_url( 'edit-account' ) )
                      <!-- HERE RENDERING MVX DASHBOARD NAV ITEMS -->

      And the key question is how am I supposed to do it since I dislike to render all of these nav links (let us say for now all apart from the Dashboard one).
      In addition what is the way of providing CSS there? I tried standard <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”my-style.css”> but it doesn’t seem to work.

      2. I think we have misunderstood on that point.
      I would like to use WooCommerce registration option because I have it as popup in header and that’s easier to use for users. But because all of my users are vendors I would like that after registration they will be redirected to shop wizard (as it is happening where registated via MVX registration option). Also in that regard the auto approval doesn’t work, but I am able to approve a vendor manually with MVX page for that.

    • #195637

      @srv46126 Our replies are inline –

      1. Our dashboard has it’s own shortcode. So you need to check whether you can render thios shortcode content in the my account page. Otherwise it would be huge custom coding for you to display vendor dashaord content in my account page.

      2. A vendor can only access the setup wizard, pending vendor can’t access this page.
      To redirect vendors to the store setup wizard after registration is the flow of MultiVendorX vendor registration when the ‘approve vendor’ option is set automatically.

    • #195663

      1. I don’t mind to huge customize my code, that’s why I have asked about any sort or tips or even a public documentation.
      2. Yes, that is right hence a question if we could make WooCommerce registration work the same way as MultiVendorX vendor registration is working?

    • #195692

      Our replies are inline with your queries –

      1. I don’t mind to huge customize my code, that’s why I have asked about any sort or tips or even a public documentation.

      >>We do not have any readymade code or documentation for this. I would recommend you to check our shortcode and see the whole flow. As you can understand the vendor dashboard contains all our vendor-related content. So check the code thoroughly and implement the same for your site.
      Just to keep you posted, if you need help implementing the flow on your end you can hire our service team by contacting them from here

      2. Yes, that is right hence a question if we could make WooCommerce registration work the same way as MultiVendorX vendor registration is working?
      >>You may add custom code on your end to achieve the MultiVendorX vendor registration flow for WooCommerce registration.
      You need to check our code thoroughly, as this is not a few lines of coding.
      Please check how we handle the vendor and pending vendor and implement the same for your site.

    • #196132

      Thanks in advance for any tips and help.

    • #196133

      You are welcome. Let us know if you need any help.

    • #204269

      Its been long and we gave not heard back from you. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please open a new support thread.

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