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MultivendorX Pro

Viewing 4 reply threads
  • Author
    • #196098
      Tandy R M Silva

      Good evening, how are you?

      Could you help me resolve the attached error? Thanks

      : O hook wcmp_frontend_dash_upload_script_params está
      desde a versão 4.0.0! Em vez disso, use mvx_frontend_dash_upload_script_params. in
      on line

    • #196109

      @Tandy R M Silva Sorry to hear that.
      Kindly check carefully the custom codes you have added on your end. From the error it seems like you have used some old WCMP hook on your end and you need to replace that with a new MVX hook.
      You can see all new hook/filter lists against the deprecated list, check here:

    • #196160
      Tandy R M Silva

      Could this be related to a third-party plugin? I have one that does the shipping function, it is customized with MultivendorX.

    • #196169

      @Tandy R M SilvaTo be sure you can deactivate that plugin on your end and check if the deprecated warning appears or not.
      If yes, then you need to check the customized code and fix this..

    • #204306

      Its been longa and we have not heard back from you. e presume your query is solved now. We are closing this thread. if you need help or face issue in future please create a new support ticket.

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