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Disable vendor delivery. YouTube preview photo.


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    • #218168

      Hello, thanks for the support

      Please tell me, is there a complete guide on how to 100% disable vendor delivery?

      For example, I created in the admin panel:
      Zone 1.
      Free shipping
      Delivery 2 euros.
      Express delivery 10 euros.

      Free shipping
      Delivery 2 euros.
      Express delivery 10 euros.

      And I want vendors to follow these rates and not be able to add their own shipping methods and rates.
      I also need that when checking out a product, the buyer sees only what WOO usually shows. (Delivery and tariffs for the zone – without vendor deliveries).

      2. Is it possible to request a feature from you for future updates:

      I have seen how in some plugins for adding videos from YouTube and other sites, before loading a video, there is a preview image of the same video, which is taken from YouTube (until the video is loaded, usually this is a few milliseconds).

      As far as I understand, there is currently no such feature – could you please consider this?

    • #218169

      I.gan, hope you are doing good.

      Regarding shipping, you can easily disable the “Vendor Shipping” option via the module page. This will prevent vendors from setting their own rules. However, vendors will need to add the admin’s shipping class for their products. Since we don’t allow them to add any other shipping class except for the vendor’s, you can use this code:

      As for the feature request, I have forwarded it to our development team. They will make further decisions on this matter. For now, you can track the progress of this issue here:

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