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Error vendor dashboard with Stripe Express

MultivendorX Pro

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    • #220192


      When I set Stripe Marketplace to “Standard”, the interface displays fine:

      However, when I activate “Express” I cannot connect a Stripe account:

      What can I do?

    • #220244

      Hello @MaxenceTP, Sorry to hear that you have faced an issue on your end.
      It seems that the error you are facing is because you haven’t set up details like business name, icon, brand color etc. while setting up your Stripe account. . So kindly check the link regarding the settings from here and proceed with connecting.
      Hopefully, you will not face the issue anymore on your end.

      Let us know if you need any further assistance from our end.

    • #222019

      We haven’t heard back from you in a while. We presume that your issue is resolved now. so we are closing this thread. If you need further assistance or encounter any issues in the future, please feel free to create a new support ticket.

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