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Commission and Failed orders error

MultivendorX Pro

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    • #221595


      I am having and issue since the last update. The Vendor have a direct bank transfer but when we manually change the commission from unpaid to paid, it doesn’t update. Second. when a order is changed to failed the system does not remove the commission for the failed items

    • #221596

      Hello @webmaster, We’re sorry to hear about the issue you’re experiencing.

      Regarding the commission payment flow, we’ve verified that it’s functioning correctly on our end. To assist you further, could you please create a staging site that mirrors your live site and provide us with the staging site URL, temporary admin, and FTP access? This will allow us to investigate the issue directly and provide a resolution. When sharing the access details, please mark your reply as private.

      Regarding failed orders, please note that as soon as an order for a vendor product is placed. However, commissions can only be marked as paid for orders with the statuses “Processing” or “Completed”. If an order status changes to “Failed,” associated commissions cannot be marked as paid.

      If you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out.

    • #235204

      Hello there, It’s been a while since we last heard from you, so we’re assuming your issue has been resolved. We’re closing this thread for now. If you need any further assistance or encounter any other issues in the future, please feel free to open a new support ticket.

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