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Thank You Message not displaying after submitting the Enquiry form popup.

WCMp Catalog Enquiry

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  • Author
    • #222293
      Ryan Miles

      There is no thank you message in Enquiry Form popup after successful form submission. Customers have to know if the form submission is successful or not.

    • #222294

      Hello @Ryan Miles, Thank you for reaching out to us.

      Typically, when the inquiry form is submitted, a success message should appear. Since you’re not seeing this message, it could indicate a conflict with your theme or another plugin.

      To troubleshoot, please try deactivating all plugins except WooCommerce, CatalogX, and CatalogX Pro, and then test to see if the message appears after submitting the inquiry form.

      If the issue persists even with only the default theme and these plugins activated, please create a staging site that mirrors your live site. Share the staging site URL, along with temporary admin and FTP access, so we can investigate further and assist you.

      Please remember to mark your reply as private when sharing the access details.

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