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Product Stock Manager & Notifier for WooCommerce won’t updated due to PHP

Product Stock Manager & Notifier for WooCommerce

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    • #222442

      Hi There,

      I love the Product Stock Manager & Notifier plugin, and looking to subscribe across 3 sites.

      But im having two issues id like to resolve:

      Woocommerce Version 9.2.2
      Currently plugin is at: 2.3.0 trying to update to 2.5.8

      I get this error: “There is a new version of Product Stock Manager & Notifier for WooCommerce available, but it does not work with your version of PHP. View version 2.5.8 details or learn more about updating PHP.”

      But my PHP is on latest: 7.4.33

      Any ideas how to resolve? I tried to deactivate and reactivate the plugin but didnt work.

      Interestingly when i deactivated and reactivated the plugin I got ALOT of notifications, I have suspected for a while that the emails arent going out. I use ATUM Inventory to update when my stock comes in – could this cause these not to go out?

      Thanks in advance!

    • #222445

      Hello, Thank you for reaching out to us.

      The PHP incompatibility error you’re experiencing is due to the current version (2.5.8) being compatible only with PHP version 8.0 and higher. Versions lower than 8.0 will not work with the latest plugin update. You’ll need to upgrade your PHP version to ensure the plugin functions correctly.

      Now to verify if subscription emails and back-in-stock notifications are being sent, you can use a plugin like “Email Log” to review the email logs and see which emails are being triggered.

      If you need any further assistance, please feel free to ask.

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