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Booking Marketplace

While investing in an booking marketplace may seem as a lucrative business opportunity we are aware that you may have some doubt of your own before getting started.

To help you overcome this we have designed a complete guide on how you can get started with your own booking marketplace..

Why a Good eCommerce Return Policy is More Important Than Ever

Return Policy, Blogs, Strategy

Why a Good eCommerce Return Policy is More Important Than Ever

Return policy is a pain for merchants but a reason of smile for buyers. Is there any way to strike a balance? Read to know more.

What does Trust Mean for Ecommerce?

Marketplace Ideas, Strategy

What does Trust Mean for Ecommerce?

Being reliable is the first step to convert and retain customers. There are multiple ways to ensure the trustworthiness. Discover them here.

Consumer Insight – What can it do for an online marketplace?

Blogs, E-commerce & Web Stores, Sales & Marketing Ideas, Strategy

Consumer Insight – What can it do for an online marketplace?

Consumer insight is the most important data to optimize your e-commerce for holistic understanding of the market and audience. This blog will help to know the WHY and HOW of it.

Tackle Marketplace Challenges With Big Data

Blogs, Marketplace Ideas, Strategy

Tackle Marketplace Challenges With Big Data

Business intelligence and how we understand what we need to deliver has come a long way since the early days of ecommerce. Gone are the days when predicting customer behavior was all about taking random stabs in the dark, trying to figure out the next trend. What we had back then can only be described […]

Why Your Marketplace Needs to Appeal to Millennials?

Blogs, E-commerce & Web Stores, Marketplace Ideas, Sales & Marketing Ideas, Strategy, WooCommerce Marketplaces

Why Your Marketplace Needs to Appeal to Millennials?

Millennials are hailed as the decider of today’s market success. How much effective they are for your marketplace? And, what are the secret spells to woo them? Get all the tricks and tools here…

Building a Better Marketplace Experience

Blogs, Data Analysis, E-commerce & Web Stores, Strategy, WooCommerce Marketplaces

Building a Better Marketplace Experience

Your marketplace customers are your biggest asset. Have you taken enough initiatives to woo your customers and provide them better marketplace experience? Read to know more…

Niche Marketplaces – What Makes Them Viable?

Blogs, Data Analysis, E-commerce & Web Stores, Sales & Marketing Ideas, Strategy, WooCommerce Marketplaces

Niche Marketplaces – What Makes Them Viable?

Uber, Etsy, Airbnb- niche marketplaces have pushed the envelope of marketplace paradigm. Thinking to launch one by your own? This blog will help you to chalk better strategy.

How Return Policies Affect Marketplaces

Blogs, E-commerce & Web Stores, Logistics & Shipping, Return Policy, Shipping, Strategy, WooCommerce Marketplaces

How Return Policies Affect Marketplaces

No seller is keen to issue a return policy. Buyers though look for a sound return policy for their self-interest. How will you solve the puzzle? Our blog is the answer.

5 Reasons Why You Should Opt for a Marketplace Model

Blogs, Data Analysis, E-commerce & Web Stores, Strategy, WooCommerce Marketplaces

5 Reasons Why You Should Opt for a Marketplace Model

Marketplaces are booming across industries. But, is it the right business model for you? Here are the stats, insights and five important questions to foster your decision.