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Store Inventory

Brief Introduction #

Having a handy inventory tool is always beneficial, especially when you have multiple orders and tight schedules to follow. To ease this worry MultiVendorX brings its tried and tested inventory management solution. This tool tracks your stock quantities, sends automatic stock updates across all selling channels, sends you alert emails in case of low quantities, and lets your customers subscribe to products even when they are out of stock.

Requirement #


MultiVendorX PRO

Configure MultiVendorX Store Inventory #

To configure store management inventory, you need to enable the module. Follow the given steps to enable store inventory management.

  • Go to the admin dashboard and select the MultiVendorX menu, from there navigate to the Module option available in the MultiVendorX menu list.
  • Search for a module called the Store Inventory available under the Product Management Section. 
  • Toggle the Enable option to let vendors track their stocks and receive alert notifications whenever they run low.

Store Analytics Setting #

The configuration of store inventory can be completed with minimum effort and minimum time. All you need to do is select the Setting button that appears as soon as the module is enabled.

  • On the Setting page, there are only two things you need to configure namely –
  • Low Stock Alert – By enabling the low stock alert option, all vendors in your marketplace would receive a stock alert warning in the form of an email
    • Low Stock Alert Limit – Add a value to set the low stock limit. If the stock drops below the value set by you the vendor will receive an alert prompt.
  • Out-of-Stock Alert – When the out-of-stock alert option is enabled, vendors receive a warning mail letting them know that their stock quantities have run out 
    • Out-of-Stock Limit – Anytime the stock drops below the out-of-stock limit set by you the vendor will receive an alert prompt to re-stock.

Note – The low stock and out-of-stock value set by you is applicable for all vendors. Vendors, however, also have the option to overwrite the stock quantity value set by you. 

Manage Store Inventory #

From the vendor’s dashboard, vendors can override the low-stock or out-of-stock amount set by the admin. To override the stock quantities set by the admin vendors can – 

  • Go to the vendor dashboard and navigate to Store Settings. Under the store settings list, vendors can select the Storefront option.
  • Once the Storefront page opens, vendors can scroll down to the Stock management section. 
  • In the Stock management section vendor can –
    • Enable or disable a low-stock alert mail 
    • Enable or disable an out-of-stock alert mail
    • Set the lowest stock amount value that will trigger the  low stock alert mail
    • Add an out-of-stock value to trigger the out-of-stock mail 
  • Once the mentioned steps are set, they can save their setting by selecting the save button. 


Track Stock Quantities  #

MultiVendorX Pro allows for real-time visibility which allows vendors to keep track of their stock quantities and also view the change in stock every time a sale is made. 

View Product Stock  #

To keep a record of the product stock vendor can – 

  • Go to the vendor dashboard and navigate to the Product Manager menu option. Once the Product manager option is selected, the vendor can choose the Product Stock option. 
  • On the Product Stock page, vendors can view all the products and their respective quantities. They can also view products that have gone out of stock or products that are running low on stock. 
  • Since MultiVendorX automatically updates the stock amount once a sale has been made, vendors can also track down their dwindling product quantities

Manage Out-of-Stock Products  #

Vendors can now manage products that have gone out of stock by simply letting customers subscribe to that product. When customers subscribe for products that have run out of stock, vendors would be able to keep a note of those products. So, once the product is back in stock, customers will receive a mail alerting them of the availability of the product. 

With this, we come to the end of our stock alert tutorial. Hopefully using this document your vendor can manage your stocks without any trouble. 

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