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Address format

WCMp Advanced Frontend Manager


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  • Author
    • #136840
      Klaus Thomas Russ

      Dear all,

      how can we change the address format of the vendor’s shop page? Well, in Germany the ZIP code has to be before the city…

      Like: Muststraße 6, 81444 Berlin, Deutschland

    • #136857

      @Klaus Thomas Russ, in order to change this you have to do custom code. For this override the archive_vendor_info.php
      template and change the format.

      Override this template by copying it to yourtheme/dc-product-vendor/archive_vendor_info.php

    • #136865
      Klaus Thomas Russ

      Thank you for your response, but what I can find in this file is only a ‘address’ but no detailed classes like country, zip etc.

      What do I have to change then to change the format?

    • #136908

      @Klaus Thomas Russ, let me consult with my developer regarding this.

    • #136948

      Using below filter you can change the formatted address

      apply_filters( 'wcmp_vendor_before_get_formatted_address', $addresses );


    • #137028
      Klaus Thomas Russ

      Thank you for your answer…

      Where can I change the formatted address then? Which file do I have to use?

    • #137038

      Add this in the function.php file of your current active theme.

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