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All plugins not working correctly.

WCMp Advanced Frontend Manager

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  • Author
    • #133573
      Jessica Moody

      Hi, I ordered all of the plugins during a black friday sale to use this week for my relaunch,hence why I am just getting around to playing with them. I have been waiting to edit my site. I am very upset as i’ve read the knowledge base, and watched every single youtube video and my plugins just are not working the way the knowledge base and videos show. Some features work on the admin dashboard, but I can’t even view anything on my site or customize anything like it says I should be able to. I’m frustrated, upset, and extremely disappointed in the money I spent on this. I created a membership, it won’t show up anywhere on the wesbsite and i dont see any widgets to add for it like other plugins offer. Pages that the knowledge base and videos say should have been automatically created have not been. I don’t know what to do.

    • #133583

      Hi @Jessica Moody, sorry to hear that you have faced this issue.

      This is very unlikely that the pages are not created or any issues you are facing.

      Can you please explain what are the issues so we can assist you accordingly?

    • #133596
      Jessica Moody

      Yes, it’s likely. The stripe plug in is installed and activated and there are no error messages happening with it, yet when I go to the page where I can edit it’s settings like the knowledge base explains, the tab simply isn’t there. I followed step by step and can see from your example photos that the tab does not exist where it should. The advanced front end analytics just won’t activate. I have put in the code, uninstalled reinstalled the whole 9 yards- it just doesn’t work. I had issues getting all of the plug-ins installed, but this one has not been fixed like I could the others. This is just the start of my issues.

    • #133653

      @Jessica Moody, not to worry.

      Please do share temporary admin access so we can fix the issues in your site.

      It would be helpful for us, if you can share some screenshots and lists of issues, so we can check all of them at a go.

      While sharing the access, don’t forget to mark the response as private.

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