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Block dates with RNB plugin and AFM

WCMp Advanced Frontend Manager

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    • #141509

      Hi there,

      Unofrtunately emerged another issue related to this.

      In AFM, block dates are just on a DATE basis, but no TIME basis.
      RNB plugin expects to have DATE+TIME, whilst on your AFM it’s only DATE and no TIME.
      We believe this causes an issue on the calendar in the front-end.

      Here is the same inventory as set by Vendors on AFM

      Here is the same inventory as reflected on WP-admin – Inventory

      Here is the calendar in the frontend:

      As you can see, the start and end date are never shown in the frontend calendar (we tested multiple times and noticed start and end date never show).
      Can you please check ?

    • #142750

      @WLS_FH, our team will check and get back to you.

    • #142793

      @WLS_FH, these all are fixed in our MultiVendorX Pro version. Once we will release that, you can get the fixes.

    • #148052

      Kindly check if these issues are fixed in the latest version of MultiVendorX Pro and let us know.

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