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BUG – when using the auction plugin

MultivendorX Pro

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  • Author
    • #192030
      Jarosław Adamczyk


      when I put a product up for sale, at auctions, by entering my auctions can I bid the amount myself? It is illogical for me to be able to bid/buy my own products. Regardless of whether I have the product editing option turned on or off in the settings, I can bid and buy my own product. This should be blocked.

    • #192054

      As per the default flow of WooCommerce , a seller is also a buyer in the marketplace . So yes you as a seller can also buy your own products .
      The auction plugin itself doesn’t block the creator of the auction from bidding. So, to block the capability from the seller to buy his own product you will need to do custom. But for this you need to contact the suction plugin author, they would be able to assist you better.

    • #192103
      Jarosław Adamczyk

      What does “suction plugin” mean? what about the simple auction plugin?
      I know that the seller can also be the buyer and it’s okay if the seller wants to jack up someone else’s auctions, but it’s not okay if he wants to jack up his own? can you improve it?

    • #192125

      @Jarosław Adamczyk, By Auction plugin here I am referring to the WooCommerce simple auction plugin. The core auction flow is carried out by WooCommerce simple auction plugin and by default, it doesn’t restrict the author of an auction to be purchased by the author itself.

      Now if you want to implement the flow of restricting vendors from buying their own product, then it requests a code. If the auction plugin author can give you the code to stop admin from buying their own product, then we can give the same code.

    • #194685

      It’s been long and we have not heard back from you. We presume your query is solved now. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please open a new thread.

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