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Cannot add variations/attributes for my variable product

WCMp Advanced Frontend Manager

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  • Author
    • #133882
      Melvin Ho

      Hi guys, I’m having some problems creating a new variable product on my storefront. Recently added the Advanced Frontend Manager plugin in order to allow my vendors to add their own catalogues using the csv import function. But the options are blurred out. From the admin side, I have allowed vendors to import and export their products, but from the vendor POV, this is not the case. Can you help me figure out why this is the case?

      While we are on this topic, is there a sample CSV I can use to import products with variations and variable prices?

    • #133914

      Hi, thank you for getting in touch with us.
      It seems like there is some plugin/theme conflict. Just to be sure, disable all the plugins except WooCommerce and WCMp and check again.
      If the issue is still there, switch to some default theme such as twenty twenty and check again.
      Do keep us posted

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