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Conflict with “WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway” for “Bancontact”

MultivendorX Pro

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    • #221821


      For several weeks, I’ve been trying to enable Bancontact on my site with the following plugin: ttps://

      However, there seems to be a conflict when MVX Pro is activated at the same time.

      In my configuration, I have deactivated Bancontact on MVX and activated it on the Stripe plugin.
      -> When MVX Pro is activated, the payment method is not visible.
      -> When I deactivate MVX Pro, the payment method is visible.

      – When I activate Bancontact on MVX, it is displayed but it doesn’t work (see another ticket) so I’d like to use the other plugin for that.
      – Other payment methods from the Stripe plugin are working fine.

      Can you tell me more about the reasons for this conflict?

    • #221822
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #221839

      Hello, We are sorry to hear that you are experiencing this issue.

      Please create a staging site that is an exact replica of your live site and share the staging site URL, along with temporary admin and FTP access, so we can debug the issue and assist you in resolving it.

      When sharing the access, please remember to mark your reply as private.

    • #221894
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #221895

      Also, can you check why I cannot assign a vendor to a product ?
      It’s always returning “No results found” :

    • #221898

      @MaxenceTP, Thanks for sharing the access details with us. Please allow us some time to check the conflict issue on your end. However, please note that this might take a little while as our development team is currently occupied with other projects. They should be done with their current work by the end of this week and will start working on your issue next week. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in this matter.

      Regarding the issue with assigning vendors to a product, we checked your site and found that no vendors have been added on your end ( This is why you are seeing “no results found” when searching for a vendor. Please add vendors accordingly and then check the flow of assigning vendors to products.

      Let us know if you need any further assistance from our end.

    • #221925

      Oh sorry, I forgot to add a vendor, it’s a bug I have on my main site, but it doesn’t seem to be a problem on this test site.
      Do you know where it could be coming from? Probably a conflict with another plugin.

      As for Bancontact, I’m waiting for you to get back to me, it’s rather important as far as I’m concerned

    • #221927

      Hi @MaxenceTP, Regarding the issue with assigning vendors to products from the admin end, it appears there may be a conflict with your current theme or plugins. To troubleshoot, please deactivate all plugins except WooCommerce, MultiVendorX, and MultiVendorX Pro, and switch to a default theme like twenty twenty-four or Storefront and then check the flow on your end. Please please do keep us posted about your findings.

      Regarding the Bancontact conflict, our development team will address it once they are available after their current tasks. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

    • #222220

      Any update about Bancontact conflict ?
      I don’t have a temporary solution 🙁

    • #222221

      I’m not talking about the integration with Stripe Connect at the moment, just the bug that the payment method added by the Woocommerce Stripe plugin is hidden by MultivendorX

    • #222229


      We sincerely apologize for the delay in addressing your issue. Our development team has been heavily engaged with other projects over the past few weeks, which unfortunately caused a delay in our response.

      However, rest assured that we will begin working on the fix starting next week. We kindly request your patience as we debug and implement the necessary solutions. Please ensure that access to your staging site and FTP server remains open so our team can effectively perform the required debugging.

      Thank you for your understanding and cooperation so far.

    • #222232

      Ok, I’m waiting for your reply

    • #222242

      Sure. Kindly provide us with some time to debug the issue and assist soon as we will have an update we will surely keep you posted.
      Thanks for your understanding.

    • #222252
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #222285

      I cannot access your link 🙁

    • #222286

      Thank you, it’s working now

    • #222292

      @MaxenceTP, Glad to hear the fix is working well on your end. We’ll make sure to include this fix in our next update and will keep you informed.

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