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Cosmetic issues with the latest version

WCMp Advanced Frontend Manager

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    • #116705

      I’ve updated wcmp to the latest version and there seems to be lot of cosmetic issues.

      E.g. the font is too small now in all the buttons. See the attached screenshot.

      This problem comes from the _buttons.scss and the problematic line is the “font-size: 1rem”. Why is there such line in the stylesheet?


    • #116765


      Thank you for reaching out to us.

      As per your query 1rem is 16Px which is a normal font size.

      Kindly let us know if you need any further assistance.

    • #116775

      Still, it’s now a lot smaller compared to all other texts in the Vendor dashboard…if I change it to 1.5rem it’s beginning to look like rest of the text items in the Vendor dashboard.

    • #116901


      We are not facing such issue at our end as you can see here (

      May I know if you have checked marketplace plugin with WooCommerce and standard theme (storefront/twenty). Please deactivate all your plugin, except WooCommerce and WCMp + addon. You can then check the flow. If everything is working fine, in order to detect which plugin is causing conflict- please activate each plugin consecutively and check the flow.
      Similarly, for theme conflict- please deactivate the current theme and check with standard WooCommerce theme (storefront/twenty) It is suggested to please perform these tests on your staging website and keep us posted with the outcome.

    • #121254

      Hi, haven’t heard from you for a while. We presume this issue is resolved.

      If you need any further help, kindly open a new thread.

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