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Edit SPMV on product display?


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    • #185847

      On Amazon you are able to list products in different conditions, for example you may offer a product with a damaged box for a discount. This then displays on their SPMV screen so that the customer can see this before they buy. Are you able to do this on your system? Or even remove the “Add to basket” so that customers are forced to click on the listing to see the product BEFORE they can add it to their basket?

    • #186552

      Thanks for the query.

      As we can understand you want the vendors to add the item condition in the product description box and display the same in the frontend.

      For this, you need to use either custom code or plugin like ACF : Along with this, you need MultivendorX Pro : , to let vendor add additional data for the products.

    • #192209

      It’s been a while and we have not heard back from you . We presume your query is solved now . So we are closing this thread . If you face issue in future please open a new thread .

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