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Error with WCMp Paypal Marketplace

WCMp Stripe Marketplace

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    • #125321


      I have an urgent problem that I can’t solve. On the checkout page, I choose to pay by paypal and a popup opens but closes directly after. I come back to the starting point, it is possible to pay my order.

      For this test, I entered the email address, the customer ID and secret in the Woocommerce settings and I am in sandbox.

      Here are the logs:

      2021-07-23T13:44:35+00:00 INFO Smart PayPal Checkout For WooCommerce Version: 1.0.0
      2021-07-23T13:44:35+00:00 INFO WooCommerce Version: 5.4.1
      2021-07-23T13:44:35+00:00 INFO Test Mode: Yes
      2021-07-23T13:44:35+00:00 INFO Action Name: Create order
      2021-07-23T13:44:35+00:00 INFO Order Request : Array
          [intent] => CAPTURE
          [application_context] => Array
                  [brand_name] => The-Programmer
                  [locale] => en-US
                  [landing_page] => NO_PREFERENCE
                  [user_action] => PAY_NOW
                  [return_url] =>
                  [cancel_url] =>
          [purchase_units] => Array
                  [0] => Array
                          [shipping] => Array
                                  [name] => Array
                                          [full_name] => **HIDDEN_BY_ME**
                                  [address] => Array
                                          [address_line_1] => **HIDDEN_BY_ME**
                                          [admin_area_2] => **HIDDEN_BY_ME**
                                          [postal_code] => **HIDDEN_BY_ME**
                                          [country_code] => **HIDDEN_BY_ME**
          [pay] => Array
                  [email_address] => **HIDDEN_BY_ME**
                  [phone] => Array
                          [phone_number] => Array
                                  [national_number] => **HIDDEN_BY_ME**
                  [name] => Array
                          [given_name] => **HIDDEN_BY_ME**
                          [surname] => **HIDDEN_BY_ME**
      2021-07-23T13:44:35+00:00 INFO Error Message : Array
          [name] => INVALID_REQUEST
          [message] => Request is not well-formed, syntactically incorrect, or violates schema.
          [debug_id] => 65785068ee335
          [details] => Array
                  [0] => Array
                          [field] => /purchase_units/@reference_id=='default'/amount
                          [value] => 
                          [location] => body
                          [issue] => MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER
                          [description] => A required field / parameter is missing.
          [links] => Array
                  [0] => Array
                          [href] =>
                          [rel] => information_link
                          [encType] => application/json

      By the way there is no category for this plugin in your forum.

    • #125367

      Hi @Maxence , thanks for connecting with us.
      I have forwarded this to our developers. Kindly provide them some time to check .

    • #125380

      Thank you for your reply, please let me know as soon as possible as it is quite urgent as customers cannot use paypal

    • #125446

      @MaxenceTP, it seems like the vendor didn’t add their PayPal id. Make sure the id added by the vendor, is connected with the vendor’s PayPal account.

    • #125456

      I had already checked, the address is well present (it is my account):

      At the same time, where on the dashboard can the seller change his paypal address?

    • #125539

      @MaxenceTP, it seems like the vendor has added their PayPal id.
      So, can you please share a staging site’s access (admin and ftp) so we can check.
      While sharing the access don’t forget to mark the response as private.

      Also, vendors can change the PayPal address from their Payment settings tab.

    • #125566
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #125617

      We are trying to debug from your FTP. But somehow your FTP is not correct. File not updated. Can you please check

    • #125630

      Hey! Sorry I uploaded the files with my account so you don’t have the permissions.
      It should be fixed now, keep me informed 🙂

    • #125661
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #125664

      I put another paypal email address (which does exist) but it doesn’t work either.

      It is normal that an account has the same paypal address as the admin, since the admin is a seller and receives 100% of the order amount.

    • #125666

      But it’s another error now :

      DECIMAL_PRECISION: If the currency supports decimals, only two decimal place precision is supported.

      I would still like to be able to have a similar seller & admin account, I was told this was possible before I bought the product.

    • #125722
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    • #125726

      The seller’s profile for this product was in “Paypal Masspay”, what is the difference with Paypal Payout? I want the payment to be sent directly to the seller at the time of order

      Can you confirm that it is possible to use the same paypal address for the admin and for 1 seller? Or is it possible to send 100% of the amount to the admin if it’s an order from that seller?

    • #125745
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    • #125769

      Can I disable this option only for a specific seller?

    • #125791

      @MaxenceTP, a vendor must select payment mode as PayPal, only then the customer can pay them. This ensures vendor will get their part of the money instantly from checkout.

    • #125873

      If a seller chooses a bank transfer as payment method, with “Enabled Paypal Split Payment” activated in WCMp Paypal, where will the money go? All of it to the administrator’s paypal account?
      If so, that’s what I need.

      Are the fees (Woocommerce feature) sent to the admin or the product seller?

      Regarding the initial problem, in “Paypal Masspay” with a different email address between the admin and the seller, I still get the same error:

      2021-08-03T21:13:50+00:00 INFO Error Message : Array
          [name] => INVALID_REQUEST
          [message] => Request is not well-formed, syntactically incorrect, or violates schema.
          [debug_id] => 9f1ffa11c52f4
          [details] => Array
                  [0] => Array
                          [field] => /purchase_units/@reference_id=='6109b18e50223'/payee/email_address
                          [value] => f4ba278561376d0e546e7a5dee00782d84a898fa
                          [location] => body
                          [issue] => INVALID_PARAMETER_SYNTAX
                          [description] => The value of a field does not conform to the expected format.
          [links] => Array
                  [0] => Array
                          [href] =>
                          [rel] => information_link
                          [encType] => application/json

      I really don’t understand where this is coming from, can you help me?
      I can make myself available for a screen share/call if you find it easier than in writing.

    • #125910

      You can’t do it in this way. PayPal split is only possible when every vendor has set PayPal mass pay, PayPal email and admin has also added admin email. Bank transfer is not possible with Paypal. This is a different structure.

    • #125923

      Okay, I understand. But what is the problem if a seller has the same paypal address as the admin? This is really a feature I need and I was told it was possible before I bought the product.

      About the “INVALID_PARAMETER_SYNTAX” error, how to correct it?

      What happens if I also use your Stripe Marketplace plugin? Sellers can set their Paypal account and their Stripe account depending on what the customer chooses as payment method?

    • #125937

      @MaxenceTP, it seems like there is a misunderstanding about what you want and how the payment gateway works.

      If the customer pays via PayPal, then PayPal can only pay vendors in their PayPal, right? Because if a vendor uses stripe then how can PayPal pay them via stripe? There is no such support either from the PayPal end or Stripe end.

      Coming to the same email id issue, I understand your special circumstances. But sellers are totally seperate from admin. However, if the admin wants to sell the product, they can do that using WooCommerce itself. There is no need for the admin to create a seperate seller account.

    • #125948

      To make it simple, I have Paypal and Stripe on my site. With your 2 extensions, can the sellers set up their Paypal account and their Stripe account?
      So if a customer pays by paypal, the money goes to the seller’s paypal; if he pays by stripe, the money goes to the seller’s stripe.

      If I understand correctly, if I don’t assign the product to a vendor it is sold by the admin, right? All the money from the sale of these products will go to the admin?

    • #125993

      @MaxenceTP, we have spoken with the team. We understand that you might be using both PayPal and Stripe for direct payment.

      For these special circumstances, we will share a code to add this flow :
      – When customers will pay via Stripe, the vendor will receive payment in their stripe
      – When customers will pay via PayPal, the vendor will receive payment in their PayPal

    • #126016

      That would be perfect, yes 🙂
      Will the seller also have the possibility to configure his 2 payment methods? Currently he can only choose one.

      Concerning the error at the base of this thread, which is still not solved, do you have more information?
      It was the problem of “INVALID_PARAMETER_SYNTAX” which closes the paypal window as soon as it opens and prevents any payment.

    • #126147

      You have set some key in the place of email id:

      Please add your PayPal email id there.

    • #126176
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #126246

      That’s what I did though, it’s true that it’s hard to know if it’s the right values as they are hidden, maybe you could make a little button on the side to reveal the values. You are right in any case, the error came from there.

      However I have a new error here:
      Here is the error in the debug logs:

      2021-08-11T10:13:03+00:00 INFO Error Message : Array
          [name] => UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY
          [details] => Array
                  [0] => Array
                          [field] => /purchase_units/@reference_id=='6113a2ae8d64e'/amount/value
                          [value] => 8.239999999999998
                          [issue] => DECIMAL_PRECISION
                          [description] => If the currency supports decimals, only two decimal place precision is supported.
          [message] => The requested action could not be performed, semantically incorrect, or failed business validation.
          [debug_id] => c3704a9e9d95e
          [links] => Array
                  [0] => Array
                          [href] =>
                          [rel] => information_link
                          [method] => GET

      It’s a problem with the plugin, in fact it takes the amount of the product * the commision which is normal but the result must be rounded to 2 decimals. Can you do an update to fix this bug?

    • #126324

      This error is coming directly from PayPal API. This is not a bug on our end. Paypal will not allow 2 decimal values for split payment. You can see PayPal API details from here – Go to your woocommerce settings and change the Number of decimals to 0 or 1 to fix this issue.

    • #126341

      Thank you for your reply,

      First of all it is a problem to use only one decimal place since in our country there is a notable difference between 0,10€ and 0,20€. Even if it doesn’t seem like much, in the large number of transactions we handle it is not negligible. I haven’t found any information in the Paypal documentation that limits it to 1 decimal place, and I find that very strange as most currencies have 2 like USD for example. Can you check again? Or tell me more precisely where it is written?

      I did try putting 1 decimal place in Woocommerce settings and it did change all my prices to round them up:
      But it doesn’t change anything, I still have the same error:

      [field] => /purchase_units/@reference_id=='6118ebc45a522'/amount/value
      [value] => 8.260000000000002
      [issue] => DECIMAL_PRECISION
      [description] => If the currency supports decimals, only two decimal place precision is supported.

      Maybe have a look at this page :

      Can you try to have a quick look, it’s been almost a month since this ticket was opened and at the price this plugin costs I would have thought that it could have been put in production directly which is still not possible today

    • #126486
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    • #126503
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    • #126526

      You are right. We have recreated this issue for Lockers System this product. This is coming from Paypal API. Paypal doesn’t allow more than 2 decimals. If you want to check then go to this doc and search for DECIMAL_PRECISION. So we have restricted the amount to up to 2 decimals using code. We have added this code to your site. Now there is no such issue. Please check your site.

    • #126552

      There is no problem, 2 decimal places is normal, your solution works.
      Can you tell me what changes you have made? And do an update of the plugin?

      I continued my tests on your plugin before putting it into production, and I noticed another problem:
      The mail “The transaction you requested was successfully completed” is sent when the paypal popup is opened by the customer to the seller, while it should be sent when the transaction is confirmed (the customer can always cancel at this moment)

    • #126575

      Another problem, in this same email, the wording displayed in the text at the top is not rounded up to the payment amount that was made :

    • #126607

      The mail “The transaction >>>>>>>
      We don’t face any such issues on our end. Transaction email only triggers when commission is paid. Can you please check the order id with that commission id? Until and unless the commission is paid transaction email doesn’t trigger.

      in this same email, the wording displayed in the text … >>>>>>>
      We have recreated this issue on our end. This is not a PayPal plugin issue. This email is coming from the WCMp plugin. We will fix this in our next WCMp update. You track this issue from here —

    • #126615
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #126670

      We have recreated this issue on our end. We have added an updated plugin to your site. Please check on your site.
      Thanks for your support.

    • #126722

      That’s fine, the problem is solved.

      Can you update your plugin with all these bugs fixes please ?
      Can you also fix the 2 things in the red circle of this email ?

      Thanks for your job

    • #126746

      @MaxenceTP, we will release an update next week.

    • #126748

      Thanks, I’m waiting for it 🙂

    • #126780

      Maxence, we have replied all your queries in this thread. Kindly proceed with this thread for further communication :

      – If I refund a customer (as an admin or seller), I get an error:
      “The refund amount must be less than or equal to the capture amount that has not yet been refunded.”

      >> As shared in the thread, we will add this in our next update.

      – What do you means by tweak ?
      Do I have to overwrite the function gateway_charge() or the setting “gateway_charge_fixed_with_***” ?

      >> You have to check how we are calculating the gateway charge. Then you have to add your code. How much code you need to do depends on PayPal’s own code. So please do check first our code, this way you can have an idea how to proceed with the coding.

      – in this same email, the wording displayed in the text …
      Can you update your plugin with all these bugs fixes please ?
      Can you also fix the 2 things in the red circle of this email ?

      >> As shared in the thread, we will add this in our next update.
      – Is it possible to show the amount of the transaction on the checkout page that will be send to the admin, in this way ?

      >> By doing custom code it is possible. But you need to check with the PayPal dev team. whether this is created dynamically. And how much their API supports you to fetch this data.

    • #126789

      I can do everything on this post if you want, but as there are several errors it seemed to me more coherent to make 1 post per problem to correct them 1 by 1 without forgetting any.

      So I’m waiting for your next update to :
      – Refund a customer
      – The 2 decimal error (corrected but only on my test site)
      – The bugs of the “transaction” email
      – Maybe something else reported but I already forgot

      I have not had any follow-up on your answer #125993 for :
      – When customers will pay via Stripe, the vendor will receive payment in their stripe
      – When customers will pay via PayPal, the vendor will receive payment in their PayPal

      Show the amount of the transaction on the checkout page :
      This is not from the paypal API I think, I’m just looking to show the value of the admin commision (calculated by WCMP and sent to paypal then) to the customer. That’s the amount of the transaction sent to the admin account.
      Can you help me with custom code for that ?

    • #126823

      Maxence, yes we will add the changes in the update of PayPal Marketplace.

      Coming to the other queries, our replies are inline :

      I have not had any follow-up on your answer #125993 for :
      – When customers will pay via Stripe, the vendor will receive payment in their stripe
      – When customers will pay via PayPal, the vendor will receive payment in their PayPal

      >> We will add this support in our update of WCMp Stripe marketplace, WCMp PayPal and WC marketplace.

      Show the amount of the transaction on the checkout page :
      This is not from the paypal API I think, I’m just looking to show the value of the admin commision (calculated by WCMP and sent to paypal then) to the customer. That’s the amount of the transaction sent to the admin account.
      Can you help me with custom code for that ?

      >> It requires good amount of custom code. we can give you coding reffence on how to fetch the admin commission for each vendor. Then you have to use woocommerce hook/filter to display the same.

    • #126830

      Yes that can help, if you can tell me how to get the amount send to the admin it’s ok. I’ll see how to display it with woocommerce then

    • #126876

      Thanks, I’ll check

    • #126893

      Sure Maxence 🙂

    • #127154

      Hey, the post_meta are generated on the checkout page or after ?
      I’m not sure they are defined on checkout page

    • #127215

      This is generated against order_id. So you can’t have the data before checkout. Once the order is placed, you can have that data.

    • #127642

      Hey! What about the update to fixs all the bugs I reported in this thread ? 🙂

    • #127706

      We have answered in this thread :
      So we are closing this one.

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