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Hide ‘shipping only’ (tax status dropdown)

WCMp Advanced Frontend Manager

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  • Author
    • #135349
      Klaus Thomas Russ

      Dear all,

      I want to hide the ‘shipping only’ tab of the tax status dropdown at the General tab (vendor dashboard). Which snippet can I add to the functions.php to meet that target?

      Best regards and thanks in advance!

    • #135371

      Klaus, add this css via WCMp >> Settings >> Vendor >> vendor frontend >> custom css

      div#general_product_data .row-padding .form-group-row.show_if_simple.show_if_external.show_if_variable .form-group .col-md-6.col-sm-9 select#_tax_status option:nth-child(2) {
          display: none;
    • #135396
      Klaus Thomas Russ

      Dear Nerdy,

      that works fine! Thank you at all!

      Best regards, Klaus

    • #135429

      We are happy to helo Klaus 🙂

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