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Importing Products with Vendor Selected

MultivendorX Pro

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    • #221938

      Hi we are trying to import tons of products with Wp import export plugin.

      We are importing as custom fields in the import plugin Vendor column and _commission_per_product for commission.

      But Vendors are not being selected for some reason on the products.

      Any advise on this?

    • #221941

      Hello @riad.zouki, Currently, the WP Import Export plugin does not support importing vendor and product-wise commissions, which is why those columns are not being imported.

      Since you are using our MultiVendorX Pro plugin, you can easily share the CSV file with your vendors. They can import the products using the Export/Import module.

      Now if you need to import products from the admin end along with the vendor and commission columns, you will need to add custom code to handle those fields.

      Let us know if you need any further assistance.

    • #221942

      The commission is coming but for the vendor is there any specific field I need to use something like _vendorxxx
      _commission_per_product this is working fine for commission.

    • #221943

      Hi there, Currently there is no support for fetching the vendors while importing the products. So you will have to do custom code of your own to fetch the vendor while importing the products.

    • #221944

      Any direction you can give us for that custom code?

    • #221945

      Let me share this with the dev team and once I hear back from them I will get back to you accordingly.

    • #221946

      Thank you

    • #221948

      As soon as I will hear back from the team I will keep you posted accordingly.
      Thanks for your understanding.

    • #221996

      Hello there, The vendor ID is stored in the database as the product’s post author. To import vendor associated with a product, you will need to retrieve the post author using your custom code.

      If you need any further assistance, please let us know.

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