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Increase product price base on comission

Future Ideas

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    • #123634

      Hi There,
      I know, Exactly this question was asked by a fellow in ‘eyorel’ in May 2018 as well, but the thread was closed for further answers by the admin with this note

      Currently, we don’t have a plan to integrate this feature. However, we have added this in our feature request list.

      We will defiantly look into this.

      Now, I am facing a similar challenge and am interested to know that has been this looked into yet or not? I dearly need a solution to this, can anybody here help me with this?

    • #123636

      Hi @Tanmalik , Thank you for reaching out to us.
      Added – Commission by product price #870.

    • #123643

      Did I asked for some promotional material? what does that link has to do with my issue? will you please give me some insight into

    • #123653

      I am so sorry for this inconvenience.

      Actually, our team wanted to say you that we have already added this feature in our last version.
      To know further on this, please do check our doc :

      Let us know if you need any further support.

    • #124030

      I am surprised to see the level of support being offered here!
      It looks like nobody has even bothered to read my question carefully or even the topic of the thread

      Increase product price base on comission

      Leave aside the topic I have referred in my question

      OR may be I couldn’t understand the article at all.

    • #124031

      tanmalik786, let me help you out with our flow and sorry for the inconvenience so far:
      – Admin configures the commission amount via WCMp >> Settings >> payment.
      – However, when the vendor will add a product, he can’t see the commission amount. He will add the commission amount. Now admin can always let them know regarding the commission module they have for the site.

      Now the flow you are looking for i.e. Increase product price base on commission, is not supported yet.
      However, I have opened a git link for this
      Depending upon mass request and availability of resources, the team would be in a situation to proceed further.

    • #124032

      Man, this is something on your radar since 2018 and not yet implemented! – Increase product price base on commission, is not supported yet.

      That’s what I have been asking for if that has been implemented or not.

    • #124060

      @tanmalik786, as said in our previous thread, it has not been implemented. That is why we have opened the git file, so you can track the progress of this flow.
      Also, recently we are working on major enhancements such as shipping, commission, payment, etc. Once these will be done, we have plan to work on this feature. Hopefully with WCMp 3.9

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