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Integration with third party

WCMp Core

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  • Author
    • #133437

      Hi there,

      I need some guidance on how to integrate WCMP with some thrid party software.

      1) Mautic.
      I know YITH Multivendor Plugin, one of your competitors, has this plugin which allows integration, so I was wondering if/what plugin you recommend to integrate WCMP with Mautic.

      2) Multicurrency.
      We would like to allow Vendors to choose their own currency and the price on the frontend is publish on that very same currency (similarly to what Ebay does).
      What solution have you got and what third party integration would you recommend?


    • #133459

      Hi, thank you for getting in touch with us.
      Our team is looking into it.
      Kindly provide us some time.

    • #133498

      Hi @WLS, our replies are inline :
      1) Mautic.
      I know YITH Multivendor Plugin, one of your competitors, has this plugin which allows integration, so I was wondering if/what plugin you recommend to integrate WCMP with Mautic.

      >> I am sorry but we don’t have such integration yet,

      However using our API doc you can do custom code and add this support. Here our API doc :

      2) Multicurrency.
      We would like to allow Vendors to choose their own currency and the price on the frontend is publish on that very same currency (similarly to what Ebay does).
      What solution have you got and what third party integration would you recommend?
      >> You may use third party compatible plugin for this called SCD currency switcher :
      Please note, we haven’t tested such compatibility on our end.

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