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Manual approval of vendor not working


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    • #195342

      Will you please test and confirm if the manual approval of vendors is working, it is currently not working with my website.
      I have tested out the sign-up journey of a vendor to purchase a recurring subscription package. There was no email sent to admin to approve their account, the vendor was approved automatically, and they were able to navigate to their dashboard and received confirmation emails.
      Please assist

    • #195374

      @Picflick If vendors are paying with MVX paypal marketplace or MVX stripe marketplace, the payments are getting paid in real time i.e. they are becoming vendors without any admin’s approval.
      But you may use this code to make vendor pending

    • #195488

      Thanks. But this did not work.
      See, here I have added the code to functions.php –
      And I did a test… the vendor was set as approved:

    • #195533

      Add the below code in the functions.php file of you current active theme and check again –

      add_action('mvx_vendor_purchased_subscription', 'set_role_pending');
      function set_role_pending($user_id) {
          $user = new WP_User($user_id);
    • #195580

      Thank you, this did set the vendor status to ‘pending vendor’ when they applied.
      HOWEVER – It did not send through the ‘pending vendor’ email to the vendor and it did not send the ‘admin pending vendor’ to the administrators. These need to work!
      I then proceeded to view the ‘work board’ and selected ‘approve’ button. This did not send the ‘approved email’ to the vendor.
      Some other emails are being sent through (e.g. invoice, account creation, etc.) so it is not an email sending issue. I also checked spam.
      Please can you address this email communication issue.

    • #195591

      Our team is looking into this.
      In the meantime it would be really great if you can give us 5/5 review here:
      This would motivate the team further to do their job more efficiently.

    • #195685

      I will most gladly provide a positive review, however there are 5 outstanding support queries that should have been critical to the basic functionality of the website and your plugin. Without these being fixed I will not be able to run my business. Once they are all resolved I will provide a review. I should be receiving a discount for this lengthy period of waiting for this to be fixed.

    • #195698

      Not an issue @Picflick

    • #195926

      Hi, it has been more than a week after I posted the last comment and you have not provided a solution for this issue?! Please can you urgently respond, I am unable to use your plugin and expect a discount on renewal

    • #195963

      You can add the below code in the functions.php file of your current active theme and check the flow –

      add_action('mvx_vendor_purchased_subscription', 'set_role_pending');
      function set_role_pending($user_id){
      	$user = new WP_User($user_id);
      	$user_pass = $user->user_pass;
      	$email = WC()->mailer()->emails['WC_Email_Vendor_New_Account'];
      	$email->trigger($user_id, $user_pass, false);
    • #195978


      And the ‘Admin New Vendor Account’? email. This was not received by Admins, only the ‘new order’.

      This is the email admins are expecting: /dc-product-vendor/emails/admin-new-vendor-account.php


    • #195981

      @Picflick We have some core fixes to add in our core plugin for the upcoming update of MultiVendorX and currently our team is working on those fixes.
      Once we are done with the core fixes our team will help you with the code for custom flow that you are trying to implement on your end. Kindly provide us some time.

    • #196393

      Hi. Its been 2 weeks. Please advise an update

    • #196422

      Add the below code in the functions.php file of your current active theme and check –

      add_action('mvx_vendor_purchased_subscription', 'set_role_pending');
      function set_role_pending($user_id) {
          $user = new WP_User($user_id);
          $user_pass = $user->user_pass;
          $email = WC()->mailer()->emails['WC_Email_Vendor_New_Account'];
          $email->trigger($user_id, $user_pass, false);
          $email_admin = WC()->mailer()->emails['WC_Email_Admin_New_Vendor_Account'];
    • #197458

      This code worked. However:
      1. It sent the WC_Email_Vendor_New_Account email twice to the user
      2. The WC_Email_Admin_New_Vendor_Account email was sent, but when I click the link ‘You can access vendor application here: <link>’ it says I am not allowed to access the page (see
      3. When I navigate to the back-end and click ‘approve’, it does not send the Approved email to the vendor
      4. When the approved vendor logs in to the dashboard it did not present them with setting up the wizard?! How do I get them to navigate there once they have been notified to approve.
      Please can you urgently respond!
      Thanks, Greg

    • #197478

      @Picflick Our replies are inline with your queries –
      1. It sent the WC_Email_Vendor_New_Account email twice to the user
      >>We have checked the flow with the above shared code and the user is receiving mail for creating an account on the site from WooCommerce and a new vendor account mail from MultiVendorX. Kindly check Install plugin like EMail Log and see whether it is registering the email twice there too?

      2. The WC_Email_Admin_New_Vendor_Account email was sent, but when I click the link ‘You can access vendor application here: ’ it says I am not allowed to access the page (see
      >>Our team is looking into this. Kindly give us a little time.

      3. When I navigate to the back-end and click ‘approve’, it does not send the Approved email to the vendor
      >>The approved email is also sent to the vendor correctly after approval from the admin ( Again Install plugin like E-Mail Log and see whether it is registering the email twice there too?

      4. When the approved vendor logs in to the dashboard it did not present them with setting up the wizard?! How do I get them to navigate there once they have been notified to approve.
      >>After approval from the admin when the vendor logs in to the vendor dashboard the store setup wizard appears correctly Make sure that the vendor is logged in again after being a vendor.

    • #197562

      #1) Well you shared with me this code that forces the new_vendor_email and admin_new_vendor_email to be sent? Maybe you have fixed it in your core, so now it is duplicating?

      add_action(‘mvx_vendor_purchased_subscription’, ‘set_role_pending’);
      function set_role_pending($user_id){
      $user = new WP_User($user_id);
      $user_pass = $user->user_pass;
      $email = WC()->mailer()->emails[‘WC_Email_Vendor_New_Account’];
      $email->trigger($user_id, $user_pass, false);
      $email_admin = WC()->mailer()->emails[‘WC_Email_Admin_New_Vendor_Account’];

      #3) It is not working. I need code (like the above) to force the email to send. Please share code

      #4) So the vendor is still logged in after they check-out and close the webpage (It is the same session), which prevents them from going to the wizard. So the user needs to be logged out after they check-out and are waiting to be approved. If they are logged in and navigate to the dashboard then the wizard will not appear. If they log out, get approved, and then log in again, then the wizard will appear. So you need to help me with a solution to this

    • #197563

      Hi, see image of failed email send –

      Please advise

    • #197566

      @Picflick Our replies are inline with your queries –

      #1) Well you shared with me this code that forces the new_vendor_email and admin_new_vendor_email to be sent? Maybe you have fixed it in your core, so now it is duplicating?
      #3) It is not working. I need code (like the above) to force the email to send. Please share code
      >>We have added the same code we have shared with you earlier and no mail is triggered twice and also when the admin is approving the vendor he is receiving the approval mail.
      Kindly check the video here –

      P.S – We are using the current versions of MultiVendorX and MultiVendorX Pro on our end.
      #4) So the vendor is still logged in after they check-out and close the webpage (It is the same session), which prevents them from going to the wizard. So the user needs to be logged out after they check-out and are waiting to be approved. If they are logged in and navigate to the dashboard then the wizard will not appear. If they log out, get approved, and then log in again, then the wizard will appear. So you need to help me with a solution to this
      >> As per our flow, if a pending vendor is logged into the dashboard when their approval is granted, they will gain immediate access to their vendor dashboard.

      If a vendor logs out and then logs back in, they will be directed to the store setup wizard.

      If you want to change how this works, you’ll need to add custom code on your own. Please keep in mind that the specific changes you’re looking for would involve a significant amount of custom code, which is beyond what our team can provide. We can help with smaller customizations that only require a few lines of code.

      But not to worry if you want you can hire our service team ( and they will help you to implement your custom flow.

      Hope you understand.

    • #203408
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #203545

      @Picflick Our replies are inline with your queries –

      1st question) Emails are not being sent ( Do you know why?
      >>We have shared earlier that all the emails are triggered accordingly after adding the code on our end.
      Now as you are facing issues with the emails, kindly create a staging site that should be an exact replica of your live site and share the access with us so that we can check the issue on your end.
      2nd question) Look at the flow here The vendor is logged in and waiting for their subscription to be approved (on the waiting approval dashboard page). Once the admin approves their subscription the vendor will refresh their browser or navigate to it and it does not prompt them to do set up wizard
      >> As mentioned in our earlier reply, if the vendor is logged in already after admin’s approval they will not get redirected to the store setup wizard instead they will get access to the vendor dashboard.
      The store setup redirection will work only once after first log in from the vendors.
      This is the default flow.

    • #203549

      Exactly! I ALWAYS want the vendor to be redirected to set-up wizard no matter if they were logged in or not. It is the vendors first time accessing the dashboard after being approved, so regardless they need to do the wizard. I need you to help me achieve this

      This should be standard user experience and if not is considered a bug

    • #203554

      As the default flow doesn’t support this, hence in order to add the same flow on your end, you’ll need to add custom code on your own.

      Please keep in mind that the specific changes you’re looking for would involve a significant amount of custom code, which is beyond what our team can provide.

    • #204246

      This is illogical. When a vendor is waiting to be approved, they will close the browser but still stay logged in because of cookies. When they get approved, how do they navigate to the wizard

    • #204277

      Hi @Picflick, I have shared this with the dev team. They will look into this and take further decisions regarding the same.
      You can keep track of this from here

    • #215427

      Hi there. Has this been resolved?

    • #215456
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