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membership plan subscription issue (“not aplicable”)

MultivendorX Pro


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  • Author
    • #174482
      Preston Heffley

      I had replied on someone else’s thread with the same issue as me. Seems to have been deleted.
      I’ve updated to the most recent version of MultiVendorX that was released about 12 hours ago.
      I’m still experiencing an issue with the membership plan page where all my memebrship plans can not “subscribe now” and instead it says “not applicable” in red. I have paypal and stripe set up. If you go into the “more details” of the the membership, you can then click on “subscribe now”, it takes you to registration form and then payment page and the paypal seems to be active to purchase.

      I have changed theme to a standard wordpress theme, and deactivated all non-essential plugins to verify that this is an issue with the MultivendorX plugin. Is there a fix for this issue? when will a fix be released?

    • #177958

      Hi Preston, this issue will be fixed in MultivendorX Pro. I am sharing the fixed plugin in the thread below.

      Please add this in your staging site first and check the flow. It should work with WooCommerce PayPal plugin.

    • #177960
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #180134
      Preston Heffley

      The new plugin files have cause other issues on the membership plan page. The “non applicable” message is gone. Howevere there are many new color issues and button text not appearing properly. Attached are screenshots of the settings for the design template, the page that does not reflect changes. and the code when I inspect the button that displays “subscribe now” instead of “become a member”. The text on the button is not visible or as i have put in design settings. The code shows the color of button text being a white and not what i have in my design template settings. When i make any changes to the design template, your “settings saved” notification in upper right corner, flashes at least 10 times. I wait for many minutes and refresh vendor registration/ membership plan page but setting are not working as they should. I’ve waited overnight for 12+ hours and the button text has not changed at all.

      The plugin you sent me has the same version number, so it appears to me that you sent me a patched plugin for my specific issues.

      I am using the MultiVendorX PayPal payment gateway that is managed in woocommerce payments settings. Is this the correct gateway to use? I have stripe setup as a connect account with the proper client id, password and secret etc. in the the Stripe settings of MultiVendorX > Payments settings. What is the best gateway to connect my stripe gateway and utilite it (preffered method for me)?

    • #180170

      Preston, our replies are inline :

      – notification in upper right corner, flashes at least 10 times. I wait for many minutes and refresh vendor registration/ membership plan page but setting are not working as they should. I’ve waited overnight for 12+ hours and the button text has not changed at all.

      >> Please do share a temporary admin, ftp access so we can check.
      While sharing the access don’t forget to mark the response as private.

      – The plugin you sent me has the same version number, so it appears to me that you sent me a patched plugin for my specific issues.

      >> Yes it was a patch. We will release the official update by tomorrow.

      – I am using the MultiVendorX PayPal payment gateway that is managed in woocommerce payments settings. Is this the correct gateway to use?
      >> Yes.

      – I have stripe setup as a connect account with the proper client id, password and secret etc. in the the Stripe settings of MultiVendorX > Payments settings. What is the best gateway to connect my stripe gateway and utilite it (preffered method for me)?

      >> Just follow our document and enable the stripe option to receive payment from customer:

    • #192228

      It’s been a while and we have not heard back from you . We presume your query is solved now . So we are closing this thread . If you face issue in future please open a new thread .

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