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Need help with commissions for vendors and site owner

MultivendorX Pro

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  • Author
    • #193002
      Dhruv Jha

      Issue 1
      I need assistance with understanding the commission structure for vendors and the site owner. We recently conducted a test purchase of a $4 product on our website. Here are the details:

      Vendor Commission: We set the commission for this particular vendor to zero.
      Payment Gateway Configuration: We configured the payment gateway to charge the site owner instead of the vendor, and we also set the site owner commission to zero.
      Product Price: The product was priced at $3.64.
      GST on Product: The GST (Goods and Services Tax) for this product amounted to $0.36.
      Shipping Cost: The shipping cost was $1.00, with an additional GST charge of $0.10.
      Total Amount Charged: Taking into account the product price, GST, shipping cost, and GST on shipping, the total amount charged was $5.10.
      However, despite these calculations, there is a discrepancy of approximately $0.25 on the vendor dashboard. Additionally, the vendor’s earnings are being displayed as a commission instead of actual earnings. On the Stripe dashboard, the charge is shown as $0.35 + $0.40 GST, totaling $0.39. Therefore, we are confused about the missing $0.25, as it cannot be accounted for by the Stripe charge alone.

      We would appreciate any insight into identifying the cause of this $0.25 discrepancy.

      Vendor Dashboard:

      Issue 2
      We would like to ensure that vendors are not charged for the Stripe payment gateway fees on our website. Our goal is for the site owner to bear the Stripe charges so that vendors receive the full amount of their earnings. Please review the image to help us identify any potential issues.

      Payment Gateway commission:

      Issue 3
      How can I remove the invoice tab from the vendor dashboard?

    • #193031

      Hi @Dhruv Jha Our replies are inline –

      Issue 1
      >> Hi, as per the calculation Vendor is supposed to get 5.10. As you can see vendor is getting 5.10, but stripe is deducting 0.39
      Hence vendor’s net earning is 4.71

      Please note we have no control on how many stripes will deduct. As per their policy, they will incur this charge.

      Issue 2
      >> Let me clear the flow here, our gateway fee lets you charge extra from vendor’s commission. But this doesn’t control whether strie will charge.
      This is Stripe’s policy and we can’t control this.

      Issue 3
      >>To remove the invoice tab from the vendor dashboard you need to add the below code in the functions.php file of your active theme –

      //Delete from Vendor Dashboard 
      add_filter('mvx_vendor_dashboard_nav', 'callback_mvx_vendor_dashboard_nav', 99);
       function callback_mvx_vendor_dashboard_nav($vendor_nav){     unset($vendor_nav['store-settings']['submenu']['pdf-invoice']);     
      return $vendor_nav; }
    • #193086
      Dhruv Jha
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #193095
      Dhruv Jha

      Issue 1
      I have encountered a discrepancy in the commission calculation and would appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter. Upon conducting a test purchase of a $5.10 product, Stripe deducted a transaction fee of $0.39 as expected. This resulted in a remaining balance of $4.71, according to the Stripe statement. However, on the vendor dashboard, the displayed amount is $4.85. Considering that Stripe deducted $0.39, even then there appears to be a difference of $0.25 only on the vendor dashboard.

      Stripe Dashboard:
      Vendor Dashboard:

      Issue 2
      The site owner will be taking a 6% commission from vendors for each transaction, including the fees charged by the Stripe payment gateway. As a result, vendors should receive the remaining 94% of the transaction cost.

      We kindly request your guidance in configuring the system to allow for separate payment gateway charges for Admin and Vendors, as detailed in the documentation provided:


    • #193117

      Dhruv, please understand we have no control on how much stripes will deduct. We simply request Stripe to pay an amount, then Stripe incurs the fee. So vendor will get a commission – stripe fee

      There is no way you can give the vendor the transaction fee.

      It is the same for PayPal, phonepay, etc. They will deduct its money from the amount received.

    • #193134
      Dhruv Jha

      I apologize for any misunderstanding. It seems I’m not able to explain our issue properly. To clarify, the Stripe fee is documented as $0.39 for a $5.10 transaction, and after deducting this amount, the remaining balance should be $4.71.

      Stripe Dashboard:

      However, the MVX dashboard displays an earned amount of $4.85. Our concern is how we can pay the vendor $4.85 when we only receive $4.71 after deducting the Stripe fee. We are seeking clarification on whether there might be an issue with MVX accurately retrieving the correct amount from Stripe. Can you please assist us in resolving this discrepancy?

      Vendor Dashboard:

    • #193192
      Dhruv Jha

      Also, our logo looks squashed in the invoice. Please help us to fix this.

      Our logo:

    • #193220

      Dhruv, can you share your admin access so we can crosscheck with the settings?

    • #193229
      Dhruv Jha
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #193269

      Hi, I checked your site.
      The vendor has only Bank Transfer as payment mode selected:

      So, can you please explain is this admin’s payment details page:

    • #193285
      Dhruv Jha

      Yes, the screenshot provided is from the site owner’s Stripe account, which reflects the product testing transaction worth $5 for the Sister Secret vendor, which also shows the payout is $4.71 from Stripe.
      Stripe Dashboard:

      Additionally, I have attached a screenshot from the Sister Secret vendor dashboard showing earnings of $4.85.
      Vendor Dashboard:

      If you require any further information or clarification, please let me know.

    • #193295

      @Dhruv, can we book a Gmeet, it will be easier for me to explain the flow there.
      Are you available around 6 pm?

    • #193553
      Dhruv Jha
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #193558

      We have found this issue on our end and we have added a fix for this. We will release the new version of MultiVendorX Pro soon .

    • #193594
      Dhruv Jha

      We also need the fix ASAP because our website is already live and we’re getting notifications for this from our vendors and users.

    • #193612

      @Dhruv Jha Download the plugin with the fix from here
      We will also release an update with the fix soon.

    • #193632

      Dhruv, we have tried to implement the flow of showing wholesale prices for variable products in the shop page and Featured product section. But achieving this flow is not possible.

      For a variable product, a price range is shown. Once a variation is chosen only then does the price of that product gets displayed. So the same flow is followed for showing the wholesale price of a variable product.

      That is why showing wholesale price for variable products can not be shown anywhere other than a single product page.
      Hope you understand.

    • #195522

      Its been a while and we have not heard back from you. It seems your issue is fixed now. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please let us know.

    • #193133
      Dhruv Jha

      I apologize for any misunderstanding. To clarify, the Stripe fee is documented as $0.39, and after deducting this amount, the remaining balance should be $4.71. However, the MVX dashboard displays an earned amount of $4.85 for the vendor. Our concern is how we can pay the vendor $4.85 when we only receive $4.71 after deducting the Stripe fee. We are seeking clarification on whether there might be an issue with MVX accurately retrieving the correct amount from Stripe. Can you please assist us in resolving this discrepancy?

      Stripe Dashboard:
      Vendor Dashboard:

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