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No split payment

WCMp Stripe Marketplace

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    • #133693

      Hi there,

      We noticed an issue with split payments. The transaction is performed and been registered onto Stripe, but doesn’t perform any split payments.
      Is there any issue with the latest version ?


    • #133695
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    • #133716
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    • #133727
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    • #133729


      This is stripe support answer after spending almost 1 hour looking into logs and running multiple tests.

      I’m looking into your onboarding form, and you are using a custom form which is not the onboarding form by Stripe, because in Stripe you will be having an option to select which country that your connected account should be located. Have you reached out to your web developer to check your onboarding form?

      Yes, there’s no issue about the connected account type, I can confirm that this is a Standard account. The concern is the country when you are onboarding in test mode, thus, I would recommend contacting your web developer to check your integration.

      Have you changed anything in your STRIPE plugin after the latest update?
      Our WCMP stripe setting is STANDARD, but apparently (at least in test mode) Stripe gets a CUSTOM FORM, which seems to be registering the vendor location in the US, hence won’t work.

      Can you please check?

    • #133730

      They also added:

      So in case you reach out to your developer and find there’s no issue with your integration. You may contact us again, and provide the information that your developer tells you. We would appreciate it if they could also send the snippet codes they are using so we can further investigate.

    • #133741

      Thank you for sharing the information.
      Kindly ask your vendor to disconnect stripe and then again login and while doing so, change the vendor location from US and then check again.

    • #133742

      @tithi it seems you didn’t understand.

      On the staging environment WCMP Stripe Plugin is set ad ‘test mode’. When we used a vendor account for testing purposes, including your own test vendor which I see you used, the vendor connects to stripe. the on boarding process is under Test Mode, hence there’s no country to set.
      As noticed by Stripe Customer Support (please read carefully again their message) it looks like your plugin is doing something funny. More specifically your plugin doesn’t seem to be using the Standard Form or the Express Form, but a custom form, despite what we set under the plugin settings.

      1. I gave you access to our staging environment and you did tests as well. Does it mean you set your test vendor in US, given it is not working?

      2. Our test vendor, which is based in Europe, connects to stripe using test mode. Under test mode there is no country to set.

      According to stripe customer care it looks like your integration is doing something funny under test mode.

      Please provide a snippet code if your unable to understand where the problem is so that they can investigate further if wcmp Stripe plugin is wrongly configured

    • #133747

      Our development team is looking into it.
      Kindly provide us some time.

    • #133753


      Wondering if live mode is affected as well.

    • #133765
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #133845

      Our team is looking into it.
      Kindly provide us some time.

    • #133886

      We cannot access your site

    • #133888

      You cannot access it because you disabled a security plugin.
      You can access now, but please make sure you keep the security plugin on.


    • #133889
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #133911

      Thank you.
      Our team will get back to you.

    • #133949

      We have contacted the Stripe team and will get back to you soon.

    • #133951

      Thank you.
      But may I ask you if this is affecting test mode only or live as well?

    • #133954

      We are working in your staging site with Stripe test account so your live mode is not getting effected.

    • #133965

      I wanted to know if live mode is affected by the same issue.
      Also, we need to test features on staging, do you need to keep the theme switched off?

    • #133979

      WLS, we have also communicated with stripe, it seems like they have changed their API. Becasue previously it wy working fine

      Our team will start working on this tomorrow, we will keep you posted.

    • #134046

      @WLS_FH, we have fixed the issue in your site, we will add the same in our next update of WCMp.

      Please note, the vendor must select their country via storefront settings.

    • #134048

      Moumita this is getting really frustrating. Whatever you guys did, was it even tested?

      1. No transaction even gets to our Test Mode Stripe Account.
      2. The new onboarding form on Stripe Test Mode displays someone else’s form (see attached picture), not our own (this is the OATH as provided by stripe).

      Please review and or share a video of your test.

      Thank you

    • #134050

      You might have changed the Client ID / Publishable Key / Secret Key from inside the configuration of the plugin, meaning it is bypassing ours and it’s pointing to your Stripe Gateway. Kindly restore them as we need to test your fix.

    • #134061

      Hi, not to worry.
      We added our test account while testing on your site.
      You can create one new vendor and add your stripe credentials from stripe sandbox account and then test.

    • #134074


      Thanks, it works now.

      A few questions please:
      1. Can you please provide a link to download the fix, please?
      2. Are you going to make the fix available in the next release of WCMP Stripe marketplace or it was WCMP core’s issue?
      3. Is the LIVE mode affected in any way?

      Additional questions:
      1. When an order is placed, why there’s no notification in the Vendor’s Dashboard menu ‘ORDERS’? It would be quite logical to ‘see’ a notification of some kind flashing (i.e. a number) when the Vendor accesses his dashboard.
      2. In the ‘ORDERS’ menu of the Vendor’s dashboard, stripe fees are not accounted for, which makes this calculation wrong. See the attached screenshots. AFM is basically printing out just ‘ORDER VALUE – MARKETPLACE COMMISSIONS’ but it is not effectively taking into account the ‘GATEWAY FEES’, as defined in WCMP -> setting -> payment -> stripe gateway


    • #134077

      Also WCMP -> commission does not reflect Stripe Marketplace Fees.
      The order as it’s calculated it is wrong.

    • #134163

      Hi, our replies are inline :-

      A few questions please:
      1. Can you please provide a link to download the fix, please?
      2. Are you going to make the fix available in the next release of WCMP Stripe marketplace or it was WCMP core’s issue?
      >> This issue was with WCMp, which we have fixed in our Github and will be added the same in our next update:

      3. Is the LIVE mode affected in any way?
      >> As per stripe new doc each connected vendor must provide their country. So all the previous vendors who were connected with strie already shouldn’t face any issue.

      You can also check the connected vendor’s country details here –

      Additional questions:
      1. When an order is placed, why there’s no notification in the Vendor’s Dashboard menu ‘ORDERS’? It would be quite logical to ‘see’ a notification of some kind flashing (i.e. a number) when the Vendor accesses his dashboard.

      >> We do have a plan to work on notification for vendors. Hopefully, we can add them soon.

      2. In the ‘ORDERS’ menu of the Vendor’s dashboard, stripe fees are not accounted for, which makes this calculation wrong. See the attached screenshots. AFM is basically printing out just ‘ORDER VALUE – MARKETPLACE COMMISSIONS’ but it is not effectively taking into account the ‘GATEWAY FEES’, as defined in WCMP -> setting -> payment -> stripe gateway

      >> You can see the gateway fee in the transaction details only:

      • #134165

        >> This issue was with WCMp, which we have fixed in our Github and will be added the same in our next update:

        I was asking you for a download link as we might take down the staging and re-upload it. Is it possible to download WCMP core straight from the staging environment in order ‘not to loose’ the current fix?

        >> You can see the gateway fee in the transaction details only:

        1. There are no gateway fees in your screenshot. Also, you showed PayPal Massapy, not Stripe.
        2. As explained, the value that AFM is showing to vendors is wrong. AFM is not taking into account the Gateway Fees which are calculated by WCMP Stripe plugin; you should simply pass on the gateway fees from WCMP Stripe to AFM -> order; I’m actually surprised if it doesn’t as it seems the obvious thing to do if we have to show Vendors how much goes in their pockets, right?


    • #134199

      Hi, our replies are inline :

      1. There are no gateway fees in your screenshot. Also, you showed PayPal Massapy, not Stripe.

      >> We use a seperate parameter for gateway fee. We only display the deducted gateway fee in the transaction details. The scrrenshot I showed you was about PayPal, but the procedure is the same.

      For further help, please check this :

      2. As explained, the value that AFM is showing to vendors is wrong. AFM is not taking into account the Gateway Fees which are calculated by WCMP Stripe plugin; you should simply pass on the gateway fees from WCMP Stripe to AFM -> order; I’m actually surprised if it doesn’t as it seems the obvious thing to do if we have to show Vendors how much goes in their pockets, right?

      >> Our plugin WCMp handles the whole commission. As shared in the doc, you need to configure the transaction fee from WCMp >> Settings >> Payment

      Now, once the commission will be paid, WCMp will deduct the gateway fee and pay the vendor.

      – I was asking you for a download link as we might take down the staging and re-upload it.
      >> We have added the code in our core plugin git, so simply download this from here :

    • #134211

      Re gateway fees and integration with AFM ORDERS.

      I am perfectly aware of how WCMP Stripe marketplace works, and we set gateway fees accordingly. The problem is not within the settings, but it’s in the way AFM represents the earnings into the Vendor’s dashboard -> ORDERS.

      Whether it’s a mistake, an issue, a missed integration or something you did not plan for, does not change that Vendors see something that does not match with what they cash in.
      Since you already developed a plugin that allows split payments and gateway fees management, then you simply need to add that missing data into AFM reporting system, since it is ‘essential’ for vendors to see what they really earn.

      Let me know if it’s clear.

      Re link: thanks

    • #134289

      @WLS_FH, As per the setting, we calculate the gateway fee only when WCMp pays the vendor.

      Therefore, each vendor can see the gateway fee details in their transaction details, as you can see here:

      So, now can you please tell us what flow are you looking for, so we can assit you accordingly.

    • #134293

      Hi Moumita,

      We notice the gateway fees npw working in the payment section. At first they did not probably cause of the issue with TEST MODE, but now they have been passed correctly.
      Thanks for the support.

    • #134300

      You are welcome

    • #134789

      You can close this as resolved. Thanks!

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