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Option for choosing products for which refund is requested


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    • #220788

      Thanks for the wonderful feature, now processing returns will be even easier!

      1. “Choose the product(s) you want a refund for” – there is no way to convert it into a translation plugin. For example Loco Translate.

      2. In the letter to the Vendor when registering a return and selecting a product, there is no information about which product was requested for return. (See photo), is it supposed to be like this?
      Only Refund Product: is visible (and empty).

      “Refund Product:” – there is no way to convert it into a translation plugin.

      It would be great if the customer could send 3-4 photos along with the return request for vendor. For a situation: for example, the goods were delivered dirty, and the customer must prove and send a photo that the goods are really damaged, or the packaging is damaged.

      Thank you.

    • #220793

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.Kindly give us some time to check these and we will get back to you accordingly.

    • #220797

      @l.gan, Our replies are inline with your queries –
      1. “Choose the product(s) you want a refund for” – there is no way to convert it into a translation plugin. For example Loco Translate.
      2. In the letter to the Vendor when registering a return and selecting a product, there is no information about which product was requested for return. (See photo), is it supposed to be like this?
      Only Refund Product: is visible (and empty).
      “Refund Product:” – there is no way to convert it into a translation plugin.
      >>Regarding the translation of the strings, we will include support for it in our next update. Additionally, we have successfully recreated the issue with products not appearing in the refund request emails. We will address this and keep you informed of our progress. You can also keep track of the status of the fix here:
      3. It would be great if the customer could send 3-4 photos along with the return request for vendor. For a situation: for example, the goods were delivered dirty, and the customer must prove and send a photo that the goods are really damaged, or the packaging is damaged.
      >>I have forwarded your request to our product enhancement team. They will take further decisions regarding the implementation of your requested flow.
      Let us know if you have any further queries.

      • #221186

        Thank you everything is resolved

    • #221195

      Glad to hear that. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please do create a new support thread.

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