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Page Navigation Not Working on Vendor Store


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    • #196122

      When vendors load product above twenty the page navigation is shown at the bottom of their store. When clicking on either the next button or the number it does not load the next set of products.

      I have logged this with the theme provider and the faction works everywhere except on the multivendorx vendor store page.

      The client wishes to upgrade to pro however the client will only do so once this function is working.

    • #196434

      Thank you very much. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please create a new thread.

    • #196431


    • #196426

      We are happy to help.
      It would be really great if you can give us 5/5 review here:
      This would motivate the team further to do their job more efficiently.

    • #196424


      Issue has been resolved. Thank you all for your help.


    • #196382

      Sure. Please let us know if this resolves your issue or not.

    • #196381


      Thank you for your reply. Will test on staging site and get back to you.

    • #196376

      Kindly add the below code in the functions.php file of your current active theme and check –

      add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', function() {
          if (mvx_is_store_page()) {
      }, 999);
    • #196247

      Thanks for sharing the details. Our team will check and get back to you. But due to weekend, the reply might get delayed.

    • #196241
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #196219

      @webmaster Thanks for the confirmation.
      We have checked by deactivating the themes /plugins on your end. And it seems like the issue you are facing is coming from the theme because as soon as we switch the theme on your end the page navigation works perfectly fine.
      But we are not able to connect to the FTP server. While connecting we are getting the below error –
      Status: Connecting to…
      Status: Connecting to…
      Status: Using username “MVX001”.
      Status: Access denied
      Error: Authentication failed.
      Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server

      Kindly share the correct FTP access so that we can fix the issue on your end.

    • #196184

      Thank you so much. Look forward to your response.

    • #196187

      Our team is looking into the issue. Once we are done, we will surely let you know.

    • #196190

      Can we deactivate plugins/themes on your end for testing purpose?

    • #196196


      Yes, it is a staging site

    • #196179

      Sorry for the missunderstanding earlier. I understood the issue now. if before page load I am clicking on the navigation it is working
      but after proper page load
      there is issue
      I have send this to our developer. They will check the issue and get back to you. Kindly provide us some time.

    • #196173


      Thank you for your feedback, I do appreciate it.

      In the video, you clicked on the page navigation and it didn’t work until you refreshed the page. This is definitely not how the system is supposed to work. A guest on the site will not refresh the page, they will just move on to another site.

      Is it using Ajax to perform the function? The rest of the site is using ajax and the page navigation is functioning as it should.

      Please if we could escalate this issue as the client is wanting to move forward with the upgrade to pro but only once the rest of the site is functioning as it should.

      I have 4 more sites to do for this client and three of them have been designed around the multivendorX pro plugins.

      Look forward to your response.

    • #196168

      We have again checked your staging site and the page navigation is working fine there. Kindly check the video
      Please clear the cache on your end and check again. Are you using any specific browser?

    • #196144
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    • #196143
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    • #196140
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    • #196139

      Thanks for sharing the access. But on your staging site the page navigation in the vendor store page is working perfectly fine. Kindly check the video
      It seems like the issue is not replicated on the staging site. Kindly replicate the issue on the staging site so that we can check the issue and help you accordingly.

    • #196128

      @webmaster Sorry to hear that you are facing this issue. We have checked this on our end and there is no such issue for us in the vendor store page.
      As you are facing issue on your end, kindly create a staging site that should be an exact replica of your live site and share the staging site url, temporary admin and ftp access with us.
      Also while sharing the access don’t forget to mark your reply as private.

    • #196136
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #203394

      Its been long and we have not heard back from you. We presume your issue is fixed now. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please create a new support topic.

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