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Paypal Standard does not appear

MultivendorX Pro


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  • Author
    • #220622
      Karsten Hesemann

      Hi, i want to use the membership module with ruccuring paypal payment for the vendors membership plans. There is a notice (You must enable/active MVX Stripe Marketplace or PayPal Standard to use recurring subscription). If i follow this link ( there is a notice to use Paypal Payments instead of Paypal Standard.

      I tried to acivate Paypal Standard via filter:

      add_filter( ‘woocommerce_should_load_paypal_standard’, ‘__return_true’ );

      But this doesnt work. Paypal does not show up in Woocommerce -> Settings -> Payments.
      Your live chat support tested it and confirmed this issue.

      Can you please help me with this problem?

      Best regards

    • #220626

      @Karsten Hesemann, We apologize for the issue you’re experiencing. We’ve been able to replicate it on our end as well. Please give us some time to investigate, and we’ll get back to you with a solution shortly.
      Thank you for your understanding.

    • #220918
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #220926
      Karsten Hesemann

      Hi Sangita,

      thanks for your help.

      One question – Is this change implemented in the version from the other post ( In which order do i have to install them?

      Best regards

    • #220927
      Karsten Hesemann

      Is the infotext “You must enable/active MVX Stripe Marketplace or PayPal Standard to use recurring subscription” also updated?

    • #220928
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #222468

      We’re pleased to inform you that we have added support for PayPal marketplace for the membership marketplace module. So you can update the MultiVendorX Pro plugin to the latest version and check.

      Also we are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please do create a new support ticket.

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