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Possible Integration with Eventin

Future Ideas

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    • #220483

      Hi there,

      Is it possible if we can have plugin integration with Eventin by themewinter?

      Came across this plugin previously but unfortunately they only have multivendor integration with Dokan. I think they might be interested. Could you please try to contact plugin author? I have their lifetime license and hopefully this can be planned.. Thanks

    • #220504

      @Chris, Thank you for reaching out to us and for sharing your thoughts on the integration between the Eventin plugin and MultiVendorX.

      We’ve already reached out to the Eventin team, and they’ve assured us that they’re planning to make their plugin compatible with MultiVendorX. They’ll keep us updated on their progress once the implementation is complete.

      We kindly ask you to contact the Eventin plugin team directly to inquire about their progress with the compatibility implementation. Feel free to keepn us in the loop, so we can stay informed. Additionally, if they require any assistance from us, please let us know, and we’ll be happy to help.

      Let us know if you need any further assistance from our end.

    • #234751

      It’s been long and we have not heard back from you. We presume your query is resolved now. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please do create a new support thread.

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