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Related producst dont appear anymore on the product page


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    • #145975


      Since the last update, all related products dont appear anymore on the webiste. They disappeared from the product page.

      I have checked for any settings related to the related products but there isnt any. all the plugins including wordpress and woocommerce an updated to the last version as well as multivendir x. When I disable multivendor x, the related products appear again. kindly advise.

      Thank you

    • #145992

      Sorry to hear that you are facing this issue . We will fix this in our next update.
      You can track the progress of this from here :

    • #145999

      Can we go back to the old version of wcmp till you fix the issue. Otherwise we have a section of the website missing because of the update

      Will the old version work fine ??

      Please get back to us as soon as you can because we are in a very important season.

      Thanks in advance

    • #146009

      @bhaa.said-6808, we will release an fix by tomorrow.

      But you can access old version of WCMp from here :

    • #146022

      Thank you for the quick response.

      Can you notify us please on once the update is ready. Because we are missing an important part of the website and we really really need it.

      Thank you advance for the support.

      Great team

    • #146062

      Any news About the update ???

    • #146065

      This need huge modifictaion in our coding so we will need some time to release a stable fix . Hopefully, by next week, we will be able to release the update in our latest git version. We will surely keep you posted

    • #146125

      We have fixed this issue in our latest git version .Please check

    • #147695

      Goodmorning to all

      I just update the plugin as per the new version 4.0.4 and still the problem with related product section is ….it does not appear …can someone help on this please….its been a month without related product section.

      Thanks in advance

    • #147741

      Hello bhai.said-6808.As promised earlier , we have fixed this issue in our latest update .And it is working absolutely fine in our end :
      Please check again .

    • #187337

      It’s been a while and we have not heard back from you. We presume your issue is solved .So we are closing this thread . If you need any help in future please open a new thread.

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