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Saving Variable Products not working

WCMp Advanced Frontend Manager

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    • #136540

      When I fill the product infomations and set variable products and click the <button class=”save-variation-changes”> in seller dashborad, it feels good working.
      But I click the submit button( input#wcmp_afm_product_submit ) , then variable products are empty and reset.
      Saving attribute is working, but saving variable product is not.

      This problem is occured in adding new product.
      A draft prodduct, published product, and pending product are not occur the problem.

      The debug.log shows :
      PHP Notice: Undefined variable: loop in /home/XXXXXXX/wp-content/plugins/wcmp-frontend_product_manager/views/products/woocommerce/html-product-variations.php on line 35
      PHP Notice: Undefined variable: loop in /home/XXXXXXX/wp-content/plugins/wcmp-frontend_product_manager/views/products/woocommerce/html-product-variations.php on line 58

      PHP Notice: Undefined variable: loop in /home/XXXXXXX/wp-content/plugins/wcmp-frontend_product_manager/views/products/woocommerce/html-product-variations.php on line 392

      Thank you

    • #136546

      I found that WCMp makes 2 auto-draft products in adding a new product.
      This may cause the problem.

      When I add a new product, WCMp makes 2 auto-draft products. Then I click the submit button and save the product, one auto-draft product(A) is changed to other status, but the other auto-draft product(B) is still auto-draft.
      The post_parent of the variation data (post_type = product_variation) is auto-draft(B), not published product(A).

      How do I fix it?
      I’ve tried updating all plugins, and stopping plugins without WCMp and woocommerce.

      Attachment image:
      – 19714 and 19715 is the same product. -> WCMp makes 2 records
      – 19714 is auto-draft product(B)
      – 19715 is editable product(A)
      – 19716 is variation data and connected to 19714(B)
      – 19719 is added in backend dashboard ( not WCMp frontend ) -> only 1 record

      thank you.

    • #136572

      Hi, thanks for getting in touch with us.
      Our replies are inline with yours:-

      -For your thread number #136540 and #136546
      >>Kindly share a video of how you are recreating the issue. Also share a screenshot of the settings page of Capabilities for products from admin dashboard.

      -Hi there,
      I use the code : product published after 1st time permission, and it’s good working, thank you venry much.

      But when vendors edit/update a product, which value of approved_manually_vendor is 2, I also get a new-product email notification.
      I want not to get the email, so I want to get this only when vendors publish a NEW product, which has no approved_manually_vendor value.

      How do I fix it?

      >>Kindly share a screenshot of the page from admin dashboard>>WCMp>Settings>Capabilities>product capabilities.

    • #136581

      #136540 and #136546 :
      These problems have beeen resolved as flushing wordpress permalinks.
      I don’t know why this solved it…


      #136550 :

    • #136603

      @ryu, thanks for the scrrenshot of the settings. As per this, you shouldn’t face any such issue.

      In order to assist you with this, we need to inspect this on your end. Can you please create a staging site and share the admin, FTP access so we can check.
      While sharing the access, don’t forget to mark the response as private.

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