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Stripe direct charge not working

MultivendorX Pro

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    • #220189


      Here is my Stripe Marketplace configuration:
      – Stripe Connect Account types : Standard
      – Stripe fees: Direct Charges

      When I make a payment by credit card, I get stuck in the checkout with the error:
      “No such PaymentMethod: ‘pm_1PKd2rGjEZ26s1jsKvsCULp4’; It’s possible that this PaymentMethod exists on one of your connected accounts, in which case you should try this request again on that connected account. To find out more, visit

      Setting Stripe Charges to Destination works fine, but I prefer Direct. Where could this be coming from?

    • #220195

      The direct charge type in the Stripe marketplace only works for purchases from a single vendor per order. It will not function for orders containing products from multiple vendors.

      Please check the direct charge type flow with a single vendor product in the cart.

      Let us know if you need any further assistance.

    • #220196

      Why is there this limitation?

      In any case, I tested only one product, so only one vendor

    • #220200
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    • #220255
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    • #220272

      @@MaxenceTP, We have replied to you over the other thread here

      Thank you.

    • #220352

      These are 2 different problems / errors, please bear this in mind

    • #220353

      Our team is currently working on the fixes for the reported issues. Kindly provide us some more time. We will provide you with the fixed plugin as soon as possible.
      Thanks for your cooperation and understanding.

    • #220380
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    • #220381
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    • #220392

      I don’t have access to your GDrive link, please share a public link.

      You should now have access to edit files in FTP.

      I’m using the latest version of MVX Pro : 1.3.6

    • #220393
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #220398

      To be honest, I don’t know in which version the bug of Bancontact was added.
      I upgraded directly from 1.1.1 to 1.3.6.

      I’ll test asap

    • #220400

      @MaxenceTP, Thanks for the update. We will look forward to hear from you regarding the bancontacts.

      Also can you please confirm whether your other issues got resolved with the earlier shared plugins.

    • #220672

      Hello, the Bancontact & Giropay problem is still present in the latest version.
      Have you been able to test it yourself?

      You can check the problem directly on my site

    • #220684

      Hi @MaxenceTP,
      Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.
      The additional payment methods like Bancontact, giropay are not compatible with the HPOS feature. Also with the introduction of the HPOS feature, we have only maintained support for Stripe credit cards in the Stripe Marketplace module, as this is the most commonly used option among our users.
      Additionally, the API for the additional payment methods (Alipay, Giropay, Bancontact) has been updated by Stripe, and implementing those updates with the modified HPOS supported code is really a huge task.
      But not to worry. Adding support for these additional payment methods is on our to-do list, but it is currently a lower priority compared to other crucial updates. Rest assured, we will implement support for these additional payment methods in future updates and keep you informed.
      Thank you again for your understanding.

    • #220687

      I don’t use HPOS, is there anything I can do?

      I’m annoyed that I paid for your latest updates, which actually have fewer features than before 🙁
      About 25% of my customers used this payment method and I’m afraid that some of them will give up as it’s no longer available.

    • #220739

      @MaxenceTP, We understand your concerns.

      As you may know, Stripe recently updated their API, which caused issues with the previous support for Stripe. To ensure uninterrupted payment flow for our users, our development team promptly added support for credit card payments in the Stripe marketplace.

      We are also working on adding support for other payment methods in Stripe with the updated API. We aim to include these in our upcoming updates.

      However, currently our dev team is occupied with the revamp of our core plugin. The addition of the supprt for the additional payment methods might get a little delayed. But not to worry, as soon as we will have an update we will surely keep you posted.

    • #221817


      I received this worrying email from Stripe:

      “As a reminder, XXX currently accepts Bancontact and giropay payments via its Stripe integration using the Sources API. From 15 August, this API will no longer support payment methods other than bankcards.
      To continue accepting Bancontact and giropay payments, you will need to migrate your integration to the Payment Intents API.”

      Do you have any news about this update?

    • #221820

      Is it possible to support Apple Pay / Google Pay also ?

    • #221835

      @MaxenceTP As mentioned earlier, we currently only support Stripe credit cards. However, we plan to implement additional payment methods such as Bancontact, giropay, Apple Pay, and Google Pay in future updates. We will definitely keep you informed when these are available.
      Regarding the email from Stripe, not to worry , when we will work on the implementation of the additional payment methods of Stripe we will work with the latest API only.
      Let us know if you need any further assistance from our end.

    • #221847

      Do you have an approximate timing?

    • #221851

      Hello @MaxenceTP, We truly appreciate your understanding. Our development team is currently quite occupied with their development work, so providing an exact timeframe isn’t possible at the moment.

      However, we want to assure you that once we begin working on implementing the additional payment methods for Stripe marketplace, we’ll keep you updated regarding that accordingly.

      Thank you for your patience and support.

    • #222287

      Hello, any update here ?

    • #222295

      Hi @MaxenceTP, Thank you for your understanding. While our team hasn’t had the opportunity to start working on support for additional Stripe payment methods yet, it is definitely on our roadmap for future updates.

      At the moment, we haven’t received a significant number of requests for this feature, but as interest grows, we’ll prioritize its development. Rest assured, we’ll keep you informed once these features are successfully implemented.

      Thanks again.

    • #222308

      So this is going to be problematic 🙁

      I’m using your plugin for this Stripe marketplace feature, which was still working a few months ago.
      It’s not normal to remove / not maintain features in updates, please do the necessary to get it back in place as soon as possible

    • #222309

      We completely understand your concerns. As you know, Stripe updated their API a few months ago, which caused issues with the payment flow in the Stripe Marketplace module. To address this, our development team quickly updated our plugin to support the new Stripe API and added support for credit card payments, ensuring that our users’ payment flows remained uninterrupted.
      However, we did not have the opportunity to add support for other payment methods like “Bancontact” or “Giropay” at that time. We wanted to avoid rushing a fix that could potentially cause future issues. Our main focus was to ensure that credit card payments were functioning correctly for our users.
      Rest assured, we do plan to add support for these additional payment methods, as well as new options like “Apple Pay” and “Google Pay,” in future updates. This will take some time, but we are committed to making these improvements. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

    • #222313

      How long it can take ?

    • #222314

      Giving an exact ETA at this moment is really not possible as our team has not yet started working on the implementation.
      But not to worry. As soon as we will start working on the implementation, we will surely keep you posted.

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